
Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Rebranding AKSB among 18 plans in Kelantan PN's manifesto Bt N Faizal Ghazali

Citizen_Zero : Only now..? And only Rebrand..? Meaning same Kicap in brand new Botol Kicap..? You slow lah Pas. And cannot solve problem and think ahead at All. Even about this kind of malas punya kerja. Furthermore, Ini taktik Basi. Semua orang dah tahu. And still you want to be proud of it. Nak tipu pun ketinggalan zaman. Kesiannya. So Sad. This is what happens when your sole purpose in life has been only to Lie to and please your dumbed-down followers.
Rebrand la puas-puas, air masih warna tahi

Malaysiakini : STATE POLLS | Kelantan Perikatan Nasional revealed its state election manifesto last night with the theme 'Kelantan maju, rakyat sejahtera', offering 18 main thrusts.

Some 96 modules were listed under the plans and among them was the rebranding of Air Kelantan Sdn Berhad (AKSB). The ruling state party PAS also promised to increase water supply storage through riverside water reservoir projects.

Kelantan PN chairperson Ahmad Yakob, who launched the manifesto, said the pledges will be implemented over the next five years if PAS succeeds in retaining Kelantan in the state polls.  "What we are offering is also according to the state's wishes and we hope that the people will continue to maintain PAS as the government in Kelantan," he said at Dataran Majlis Daerah Tanah Merah.

Aside from addressing water concerns, Kelantan PN has also offered a socioeconomic development programme that focuses on developing new cities and border cities capable of increasing job opportunities and economic growth.

The manifesto also offers developments for soft skills, education, women, family and community, youth, and persons with disabilities as well as the expansion of the digital infrastructure and advancing agricultural productivity.

In addition, it covers the preservation of the environment, cultural arts and heritage of Kelantan, along with promises to strengthen relations between races, migrant workers and NGOs. Ahmad pointed out that PAS has managed to complete 98 percent of its 14th general election manifesto.

"Only two percent (of the previous manifesto) was not completed and these promises will be brought forward in the new manifesto," the caretaker menteri besar said.

Wok Dogo : Rebranding pakai Mercedes baru for each Exco lagi baik la Pak Lebai…

apanama is back : 1) Rebranding the 'teh tarik' to 'teh tarik kurang manis' and 'teh tarik semulajadi.'

2) Rebranding the 'kopi susu' to 'kopi susu campur teh' and 'kopi susu semulajadi.'

Has PAS re-brands itself? Still same of same. Rebranding after 33 years? My foot!

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