
Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Malaysia: A secular, multi-ethnic nation By Ranjit Singh Malhi

GalaxyM : Mahathir does not deserve our respect as the longest serving ex PM for he has blatantly contradicted himself. Remember in 2018,after becoming the PM for the second time. He addressed UNGA, the United Nations General Assembly, he said in front of the leaders from around the world that Malaysia was a multi racial, religious, cultural and lingual country. But he now shamelessly blares out that Malaysia is owned by the Malays based on constitution. How can a person like him at the age of 98 make such a glaring contradiction? 

Malaysiakini : COMMENT | Recently, former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad asserted that the Federal Constitution emphasises the “Malayness” of Malaysia and that Malaysia is a “Malay country”, besides claiming that promoting a multi-ethnic Malaysia is unconstitutional.

He also apparently accused the current federal administration led by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim of attempting to turn Malaysia into a secular and multi-ethnic country.

Mahathir further claimed that Pakatan Harapan’s concept of multiculturalism is geared towards erasing the social fabric of the Malay peninsula by denying the place of the Malays as its original inhabitants.

This article aims to critically examine the assertions made by Dr Mahathir based on the historical development of our nation and our Federal Constitution that defines how our nation should be governed.

Read it all here....

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