
Sunday, July 30, 2023

Wife Gets Horribly Deleted After Husband Discovers All 6 Kids Aren't His

I will discuss a story in St. Andrew, Jamaica where a Jamaican man discovers that his wife, Karen Rainford, cheated on him and that all 6 kids aren't his.

The audacity a woman has to have to cheat on a man, have six kids out of wedlock and then have him put on child support shows the quality of women that are walking around. The fact she was having unprotected sex with multiple dudes and exposing him to STDs is just reckless and disrespectful, on top of carrying the pregnancies to term and lying to her husband. The deception and treachery is insane.

No man is ever prepared for the kind of pain this man had to deal with. I don’t condone murder but In a world where hurting a man like that is okay and no one cares, what do you expect.

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