
Monday, July 31, 2023

Why Muslim immigrants prefer non-Islamic countries to settle in

I find it to be a bit disturbing, my younger brother’s school serves pork in their lunch menu and there re 3 muslim refugee families that protest and forced the school to stop serving pork saying it’s disrespectful and disgusting.

While for me personally, they’re the one that being disrespectful. Thankfully the issue resolved and not taken by media. Most of my friends feel really disturb with this. We’re really okay with them to be here but dont expect us to follow your lifestyle. Altho I do have a muslim friend (not refugee) and he is such a great person. He is such a religious person and all of us are comfortable around him. He’s just kind and respectful. There was a report that in Quebec the Muslims wanted the schools to exclude pork from its meals.

The council in a very clear message told them that they have to adapt to the culture and habits of the host country and if they can not then there are 57 Islamic countries they can go to .

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