
Sunday, July 04, 2021

Pakistani retailer refuses to deliver food in ‘heretic’ Ahmadiyya locality because it’s ‘blasphemous’

Jihad Watch : “Pakistani online retailer has refused to deliver food ordered online saying delivering food in a locality settled by Ahmadiyas is blasphemous in Pakistan….. saying it ‘can’t deliver to Qadiani areas.’” The locality is the Chenab Nagar area of Pakistan’s Punjab province. The word “Qadiani” is a recognized slur to describe the Ahmadi community, deemed heretics and apostates.

Some other examples of Ahmadi persecution by mainstream Islam:

  • In Bangladesh, Muslims dug up a three-day-old girl’s body from the cemetery and left it by road because she was Ahmadi.
  • In Pakistan Muslim clerics led a mob to attack at an Ahmadi funeral, throwing stones at mourners and beating them with sticks.
  • Five months ago, two Ahmadi Muslims in the U.S., Amjad Mahmood Khan and Harris Zafar, were threatened by the government of Pakistan with prison sentences of up to a decade if they failed to remove what the Pakistani government referenced as a “blasphemous” website,, which is based in the U.S. Jihad Watch covered the story and noted: “Ironically, years ago Robert Spencer exposed Zafar as ‘a sly and cunning advocate for authoritarianism and Sharia restrictions on the freedom of speech.’ See also here and here. Now Zafar has run afoul of what he subtly advocated.”

Pakistan has also seen a surge in jihad murders of members of the Ahmadiyya community.

According to the Economic Times in India, “Ahmadis from Pakistan have steadily moved to the West, fleeing persecution, seeking refuge in countries such as the UK, Germany and Canada.” Given the pattern unfolding in countries ruled by globalists, their freedoms are threatened, along with those of infidels.

Ironically, the Ahmadiyya insist that Islam is a “religion of peace.” Despite being rejected by mainstream Islam and persecuted as apostates, they do not acknowledge the truth about Qur’anic texts. By their silence and obfuscation, they protect the expansionary mission of jihad by the sword and the range of abuses that are committed in obedience to the Quran and Hadith.

“It’s blasphemous: Pakistani retailer refuses to deliver food in Ahmadiya locality,” India Today, June 28, 2021:

Read it all here or at the link...................

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