
Saturday, July 03, 2021

Official PA Daily Praises Jihadi Who Named His Son Eichmann

Jihad Watch : Biden’s handlers will send them more millions, and that will fix everything, won’t it? My latest in FrontPage:

Mufti with the Nazis

Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, the official Palestinian Authority daily newspaper, reported proudly on June 13 that “out of his love for his homeland,” Palestinian jihad terrorist Musa Abu Atwan, who grandson Al-Ghandafar Musa Abu Atwan is currently in an Israeli prison for jihad terror activities, “gave birth to a son and gave him the name Eichmann to anger Zionism.”

Hitler's Mufti
Adolf Eichmann was one of the chief architects of Hitler’s National Socialist genocide of the Jews; he was executed in Israel on June 1, 1962. Al Hayat Al-Jadida continues: “After the Mossad (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) executed Adolf Eichmann, [Al-Ghadanfar’s] grandfather said: ‘The one who burned the Jews out of hatred has passed on, and the Palestinian Eichmann has been born.’” But don’t be concerned: Biden’s handlers will soon send more U.S. taxpayer millions to the Palestinian Authority, and that will fix everything, won’t it?

This sort of thing has happened before. During the Palestinian “Knife Intifada” of 2015, one family named their son “Knife of Jerusalem.” Nor is this practice known only among Palestinians, as the Egyptian General Hitler Tantawi could attest.

The Palestinian Eichmann lived up to his name: he was arrested for jihad terror activities in 1989, and after he was released, raised his son Al-Ghandafar to continue the jihad. The article in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida makes it clear that the Palestinian Authority, which many mainstream Western foreign policy analysts continue to assume is the “moderate” alternative to Hamas, thinks such behavior is admirable, praiseworthy, and worthy of emulation.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. As The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS details, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, lived in Berlin from 1941 to 1945. Hebecame close friends not only with Eichmann, but also withHeinrich Himmler, and met with Adolf Hitler. Eichmann’s assistant, Dieter Wisliczeny, testified at the Nuremberg Trials that the mufti had been a central figure in the planning of the genocide of the Jews:

Read it all here................

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