
Saturday, July 03, 2021

NOT so great britain was the Greatest Robber Baron in the History of the World

The Theft of the Raj.
The british Vampire in India
As India celebrates 70 years of its independence from colonial rule, this session debates colonialism’s claims of benefit and development despite evidence of its fundamental nature. The panelists discuss if this period. From the time of Vasco da Gama's arrival to the final emergence of the English as the principal colonisers of the Indian subcontinent — was one of acquiring as much and as many of India's riches as each European power could lay their hands on. The British Museum is a major Crime Scene with LOOT from all over the world!!!!
Session co-hosted by the South Asia Centre, LSE and The British Library, as part of the series ‘Colony as Empire: Histories from Whitehall’

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