
Saturday, July 03, 2021

NOT so great britain : Convicted jihad terrorist moved about freely ‘unchecked for months’ while on probation

Mohammed Shahjahan

Jihad Watch : “There are so many people on the terror watch list. There are not enough resources to track everyone and everyone’s associates.”

That is exactly the situation that the Islamic State (ISIS) has been trying to bring about. A 2015 ISIS publication, Black Flags From Rome (Europe), says:

“As the Western nations get poorer, their intelligence collection agencies will continue to exist, but they simply won’t have enough manpower (less jobs) to analyse it all. With less attacks in the West being group (networked) attacks and an increasing amount of lone-wolf attacks, it will be more difficult for intelligence agencies to stop an increasing amount of violence and chaos from spreading in the West.” Get more information on this in The Complete Infidel’s Guide to ISIS.“The Stoke-on-Trent terrorist who lived among us ‘unchecked for months,'” by Dan Warburton and Hayley Parker, StokeOnTrentLive, June 29, 2021:

Read it all here or at the link....................

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