
Monday, June 28, 2021

“Beat, Raped, and Left for Dead”: The Persecution of Christians, May 2021

BCF : “Two motorcycles carrying two Muslims each and dressed in Islamic attire speedily bypassed us,” his son, a minor, later explained.

“When we were 200 meters to reach our house, the two motorcycles stopped at the junction opposite Nalufenya primary school and the road near our house.” The pastor told his son to wait while he went to confront the four men.

“Immediately some commotion began as the men started talking about the open-air debate, and soon one of them slapped my father,” said his son. “I got scared and fled … and arrived at home.” The boy eventually met up with his mother, and they went searching for Pastor Thomas.

Uganda: On May 3, hours after Pastor Thomas Chikooma engaged in a public debate about Islam and Christianity, Muslims severed his tongue and beheaded him. The well-known pastor, father of 11, had planted 50 churches in eastern Uganda. During the open-air event, to which Muslims had invited him, he used the Bible and Koran to make his points.

He won over several people — including six Muslims, who went on to convert to Christianity — prompting angry Muslims in the crowd to cry "Allahu Akbar," prompted the pastor and his young son to rush away from the event.

Read it all here..............

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