
Monday, January 27, 2020

Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia (YaPEIM) - Changing the demographics of East Malaysia through subterfuge and destroying native Christian Families

Sabah Christian dad in tears at first sight of daughter in tudung.Christian groups in Sabah have recently cried foul to alleged furtive attempts to convert Bumiputera followers of the faith to Islam. In January 2014, a group of indigenous Sabahan villagers from the remote Pitas district were reportedly deceived into embracing Islam for RM100 by a Muslim welfare group.
Sabah Council of Churches as well as the Roman Catholic Church of Sabah had also complained officially to the Education Ministry last year of a covert ploy to convert under-aged Christian students at the residential Labuan Matriculation College to Islam If they can target Christian children, guess it's fair game for the Christian Bumiputeras of East Malaysia to target Muslim kids. MA 63 says Point 1: Religion : While there was no objection to Islam being the national religion of Malaysia, there should be no State religion in North Borneo, and the provisions relating to Islam in the present Constitution of Malaya should not apply to North Borneo!!! 
So  you cannot scream apostasy, period. If you can dish it out, others too can. After all they are the original people of East Malaysia, the Melayus are "pendatangs", Pirates basically. Iban parishioner at Sacred Heart Cathedral told me. Her daughter is studying in UPSI Tg.Malim n she receive the offer from YAPEIM. The only condition to receive the free RM1K is to convert to Islam. Her daughter called her mum about it. Another daughter of hers in St E also receive the same offer but for RM500.
Please be aware that YAPEIM has been given permission by the Malaysian goverment and are going around all IPTA n schools in Malaysia specifically targetting Christian Bumis from Sabah n Sarawak trying to convert them to Islam. They do this by giving them monetary aid of up to RM1000 plus other incentives per students. To be eligible for this aid the students have to convert to Islam n the money will be given free to them. I have parents of Catholic students asking me if their children can apply for the money , esp those from the B40 group.
I told them not to apply. Real Fanatic idiots. Got the above from an iban friend. Very despicable desperate attempt by the religious bigots..!! EDUCATION Minister Maszlee Malik came under heavy fire again, this time, from politicians on both sides of the divide after urging religious teachers in Sabah and Sarawak to make the states new fronts in their Islamic propagation activities.
They described Maszlee as ignorant about the Malaysia Agreement 1963 when it came to matters of religion and slammed him for using civil servants to act as “religious salesmen”. We are becoming like Pakistan. A Failed Terrorist State. Hindu woman abducted from wedding, forcibly converted, married off.
Read it all here................

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