
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Sweden: New Islamic party wants special status for Muslims, “Islamophobia” to be special legal classification

Mikail Yüksel Nyans Party
Jihad Watch : Sharia establishes Muslims as a special class, with greater rights and privileges than other groups. This party is striving for Sweden to begin heading in that direction.
“New Swedish Islamist Party Wants to Grant Muslims ‘Special Minority’ Status,” by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, January 24, 2020 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
A newly formed Swedish political party has proposed making all Muslims in Sweden a “special minority”, claiming that Muslims suffer daily from violence and verbal attacks.
The Nyans Party say they want Muslims in Sweden to be recognised in the same way the country recognises Sami peoples and Jews as special minorities, saying that they want so-called Islamophic [sic] crimes to receive a special classification under the law, SVT reports.
The party chairman Mikail Yüksel, who was kicked out of the Centre Party for his association with the ultra-nationalist Turkish Grey Wolves, told the broadcaster: “Sweden’s Muslims daily experience both physical and verbal attacks of a racist nature.” When his prior association with the Grey Wolves was raised, Yüksel said that he abstained from Turkish politics saying: “I meet people with different political opinions, but that doesn’t mean I share their opinions.”
Around 60 people are said to have attended a meeting for the party in the Stockholm suburb of Kista, the same area that was rocked by a bombing earlier this week…

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