
Friday, January 24, 2020

Photo claimed to be of kid freezing in Gaza in December is actually from Afghanistan in 2006

Jihad Watch : Discover the extent, audacity, and relentlessness of the Palestinian victimhood propaganda machine in The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process. “The Freezing Kid of Gaza,” by David Lange, Israelly Cool, January 22, 2020 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): An Israel hater posted this at the end of December last year (hat tip: Maks)

Since it did not come close to snowing in Israel in December, a rat was certainly within range of my nostrils. And sure enough, it never got lower than 6 degrees Celcius [sic] in Gaza over that time period.

A reverse image search indicates the photo was first detected online in 2008…. In any event, the photo is not from Gaza in December 2019, as the Israel hater would have us all believe.
As a side note, if there was a kid out in the freezing cold and you walk by, do you:

a) Immediately give them some clothing or take them to a warm place; or
b) Take a photo of them

Update: This indicates the photo is from Kabul in 2006.

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