
Friday, January 24, 2020

Meghan: The daughter-in-law from hell

The Bitch from Hell
BCF : The Queen hasn’t run the good ship Britannia for this long to be rolled over by some glitzy, glossy actress from the States.
There was only going to be one winner from this – and as usual, as always, it was Elizabeth Regina. The downside is that Meghan has taken Harry with her. Truly, Meghan is the woman every mother lives in dread that her son will one day bring home; the beautiful woke woman who will prise your darling boy not into life of virtue and masculine independence, but into a life of self-absorption and self-pity that also entails the all-too-familiar cutting of family ties and self-ruin.
James Delingpole put it brilliantly: ‘Prince Harry got woke, now he’s broke’.  Delingpole: ‘Before he met Meghan Markle, he was one of the lads; a polo-playing, cigarette-smoking, hard-drinking action man with a string of hot girlfriends, a twinkle in his eye that made him probably the Queen’s favourite grandchild, and a common touch which made him the people’s favourite young royal.
‘But no sooner had he fallen under Meghan’s spell, he became a husk of his former self – riddled with anxiety about everything from the state of the planet to his own mental health, excruciatingly politically correct, replacing polo and shooting and fox hunting with wife-endorsed yoga sessions, reduced to prostituting his royal status – and being caught on camera – begging the CEO of Disney to give his wife some voiceover work. Under the malign influence of Hollywood princess Meghan, Harry got woke and now he’s broke.’
Read it all here.................

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