
Friday, January 24, 2020

Let’s compare that to the banning of Tommy Robinson from every social media site

Vlad Tepes : With exactly zero evidence that he broke any speech codes or laws concerning what may not be said.
With this interview TOMMY should now SUE facebook for defamation of character, they have lied and have no evidence. So reporting on things so awful that it generates hatred in people is ‘hate speech’?!So now that Facebook have admitted they lied about Tommy Robinson and smeared him with libel and slander. I look forward to Tommy doing a "Nicholas Sandman" on them in court.
Tommy's biggest crime is telling the truth. He's been verbally abused, had death threats, been beaten and jailed. All for speaking out against a religion. Let that sink in. BBC, the Guardian and other trash journalists why haven't you Got someone like this journalist on your staff. why are all yours all far-left propagators of lies? Facebook obviously has no consideration for freedom of speech, they made up these allegations while supplying zero evidence after political pressure to do so.
This man is paid to lie and has no idea what is going on as he states, why even talk to him then, send somebody that is responsible so they can be held to account or we assume they are guilty as charged of lying, which they are, because if Tommy had done what they claim it would have been all over the news and he would have been arrested for it.
Tommy needs to sue Google, YouTube, and Facebook for hundreds of millions!! And then sue the British MSM.

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