
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Harapan in 2020: Go big or home - Commander S THAYAPARAN (Retired) Royal Malaysian Navy

Donkeys and Monkeys in Pakatan
Malaysiakini : “Once a country is habituated to liars, it takes generations to get the truth back.” - Gore Vidal
COMMENT | DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang says that 2020 is the make or break year for Pakatan Harapan. Kit Siang is correct because the vagaries of a political milieu have always been defined by time. However, so far, Harapan’s messaging has been absolutely abysmal. Add to this, Harapan seems intent on shooting itself in its foot and what we are witnessing is a coalition that seems to exist only for the power brokers to manoeuvre themselves into positions of influence.
Harapan officials have been making a big deal of Malaysia’s improved ranking in Transparency International's (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2019. Kit Siang wrote: “If there had been no change of government, Malaysia will be sliding down the CPI score to the thirties bracket, to find new company among the more corrupt nations of the world in the lower rankings.”
Now, whether you choose to place any faith in these rankings is beside the point. Some folks may ask, isn’t anyone bothered about corruption? I think they are but the reality is that Malaysia has always struggled with its corruption issues. There are two aspects to this issue. The fist is that the average rakyat believes that politicians are corrupt, so perhaps Harapan political operatives are less corrupt than the regime that was kicked out, but the point is the average's rakyat's expectation is extremely low.
Read it all here..............

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