
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Hamas-linked CAIR behind new challenge to Trump travel ban, says it’s “aimed at the Muslim community and Islam”

Muslims who hate the American Way of Life Protesting
Jihad Watch : The President has sworn to defend the Constitution. He has the right, and the duty, to exclude persons holding allegiance to a hostile ideology.
“Islam will invade Europe and America, smashing Western civilisation and replacing it with Islam” – Mohammed Mahdi Akef “destroying the Western civilisation from within” – Muslim Brotherhood plan “Islam wishes to destroy all states and governments anywhere on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and program of Islam” – Maududi. Obama did NOT get that memo!!
“After the U.S. Supreme Court upheld President Donald Trump’s ban on travelers from several predominantly Muslim countries in 2018, the ruling appeared to shut down legal challenges that claimed the policy was rooted in anti-Muslim bias.” But now, the issue is on the table again. A federal appeals court in Richmond is set to hear arguments from civil rights groups hoping to keep the challenges alive. This time, the argument is about “favoring one religion over another”; the challenge accuses Trump’s ban of being “aimed at the Muslim community and Islam.” But remember, the countries of concern which were selected were from the Obama era.
Is anyone at all wondering why they are listed as such? The answer is simple: because the listed countries cannot or will not provide adequate information about those wanting to enter the US. This is a national security issue. At the center of the challenge is none other than representatives of CAIR — an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case. “Trump’s Travel Ban Faces New Challenge in Federal Appeals Court,” by Denise Lavoie, Time Magazine, January 26, 2020:
Read it all here.......................

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