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Rudyard Kipling

" “When you're left wounded on
Afganistan's plains and

the women come out to cut up what remains,
Just roll to your rifle

and blow out your brains,
And go to your God like a soldier”
General Douglas MacArthur

" “We are not retreating. We are advancing in another direction.”

“It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.”
“Old soldiers never die; they just fade away.
“The soldier, above all other people, prays for peace,
for he must suffer and be the deepest wounds and scars of war.”
“May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't .”
“The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.

“Nobody ever defended, there is only attack and attack and attack some more.
“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died.
Rather we should thank God that such men lived.
The Soldier stood and faced God
Which must always come to pass
He hoped his shoes were shining
Just as bright as his brass
"Step forward you Soldier,
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My Church have you been true?"
"No, Lord, I guess I ain't
Because those of us who carry guns
Can't always be a saint."
I've had to work on Sundays
And at times my talk was tough,
And sometimes I've been violent,
Because the world is awfully rough.
But, I never took a penny
That wasn't mine to keep.
Though I worked a lot of overtime
When the bills got just too steep,
The Soldier squared his shoulders and said
And I never passed a cry for help
Though at times I shook with fear,
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around
Except to calm their fears.
If you've a place for me here,
Lord, It needn't be so grand,
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't, I'll understand."
There was silence all around the throne
Where the saints had often trod
As the Soldier waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, you Soldier,
You've borne your burden well.
Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in Hell."

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TYT Host Cenk Uygur Shocking Admission On Kamala's Campaign
Thursday, October 17, 2024

TYT host Cenk Uygur's candid remarks about Kamala Harris's declining poll numbers in crucial swing states. With the shadow of Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign looming large, we explore the implications of these trends and what they could mean for the upcoming elections.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 7:25 PM   0 comments
The first police data of its kind suggests foreign nationals are up to twice as likely to be arrested for crimes in the UK compared to British citizens. In this video, Harris Sultan dives into the shocking statistics, analyzing recent reports from The Telegraph and discussing the alarming rate of violent criminals released into the U.S. under current immigration policies.

From Kamala Harris’s unexpected stance on border control to the staggering figures of foreign-born criminals in both the UK and the US, we explore the dangerous consequences of unchecked immigration. Is this proof of a failing system or political hypocrisy? MI5 allowed Abu Qatada, linked to Al-Qaeda, into the UK, believing they could monitor him.

Despite surveillance, he continued promoting extremist views. The UK granted entry to Abu Hamza, a radical cleric, hoping to control his activities, but he incited violence in public sermons. MI6 worked with Belhaj, a Libyan fundamentalist, to overthrow Gaddafi, but later faced criticism when Belhaj was tortured.

MI5 failed to prevent the 7/7 London bombings despite tracking some of the attackers prior to the event.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 7:18 PM   0 comments
Why FOX NEWS Bret Baier Just ENDED Kamala's Campaign By DeVory Darkins
Watch DeVory Darkins break down the few reasons why Fox News Bret Baier just ended Kamala Harris' campaign. You will see in this video how she struggles with accepting responsibility, offering an ounce of humility, and too obsessed with blaming trump for everything.

If you are an undecided voter, disgruntled republican, or independent her performance during this interview will make you even more frustrated. And she refused to throw Joe Biden under the bus. So as a result, Donald Trump emerges as the winner after this interview. Do you believe her obsession with Trump during this interview hurt her? She was so angry, shameful and a liar! This is why we are voting for Trump!

This woman is disgrace for America.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 2:31 PM   0 comments
Kamala OBLITERATED LIVE on Fox News: Reactions from Republicans, Democrats, and Independents!!!!!

I watched it. She totally lost my vote over this interview. She had no answers. She was condescending, arrogant, hostile, and rage quit. I commend Bret for his patience. She rambled on and on, refused to specifically answer a question, and she was rude and combative.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 1:36 PM   0 comments
Polemics surrounding FT Mufti Bill N Faizal Ghazali - Oppose it we must!

Malaysiakini: KINIGUIDE | The Federal Territories Mufti Bill 2024 will be a focal point at the ongoing Dewan Rakyat session that started on Monday, as its second and third readings are set to be presented amidst growing opposition and widespread criticism.

Initially, the controversy surrounding the government’s intention to introduce the Bill centred on the qualifications to become a mufti, specifically the requirement for them to be Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah (adherent of the Sunni creed).

Anonymous_1601363616034.60231601362776648: "Initially, the controversy surrounding the government’s intention to introduce the Bill centred on the qualifications to become a mufti" Why must the secular gov get involved in/on the qualitications of the mufti? Why cant jakim handle this?

Faizal, are you implying that now all the gov jobs/posts must have a bill and must be tabled in parliment... " presented amidst growing opposition and widespread criticism" Yes, this should be opposed simply because it enroaches on the freedom of... firstly the muslims and then slowly the others...

I give you an example of how this is applicable to the others... it will happen surely but slowly... Read the story and apply it to this Mufti Bill.. The Rat Trap (Author Unknown) A rat looked through a crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife opening a package. What food might it contain?

He was aghast to discover that it was a rat trap. Retreating to the barnyard the rat proclaimed the warning; “There’s a rat trap in the house, a rat trap in the house!” The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, “Excuse me, Mr. Rat, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it.”

The rat turned to the pig and told him, “There’s a rat trap in the house, a rat trap in the house!” “I am so very sorry Mr. Rat,” sympathized the pig, “but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured that you are in my prayers.” The rat turned to the cow. She said, “Like wow, Mr. Rat. a rat trap. I am in grave danger. Duh?”

So the rat returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer’s rat trap alone. That very night a sound was heard throughout the house, like the sound of a rat trap catching its prey. The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see that it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer’s wife.

The farmer rushed her to the hospital. She returned home with a fever. Now everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the barnyard for the soup’s main ingredient. His wife’s sickness continued so that friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock.

To feed them the farmer butchered the pig. The farmer’s wife did not get well. She died, and so many people came for her funeral that the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide meat for all of them to eat. So the next time you hear that someone is facing a problem and think that it does not concern you, remember that when there is a rat trap in the house, the whole barnyard’s at risk. Can you see the relevance?

darmakochi : Great and very relevant to the recent political development that is very very FAST unfolding in our nation. Looks like with this present government all right-thinking Malaysians must be prepared for more unfriendly developments especially the NMs!

Looks like all of us asked for the present state of affairs by voting in the MADANI government. Poor DAP! It was really stabbed in its back very fast by the MADANITES!!

Gen2 : The story of the camel and the tent is highly relevant to this Bill. Kill the Bill before secular law is kicked out of the Malaysian tent.

Read it all here.....
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 1:27 PM   0 comments
Four Years After Samuel Paty's Beheading: His Sister Speaks Out as France Fails to Confront the Rising Islamic Threat (Video)

RAIR : “They cut off his head… I refused to believe it was him until my mother screamed, ‘Yes, it’s him. They slaughtered him!’” — Samuel Paty’s sister, recounting the harrowing moment she confronted the brutal murder of her brother.

Today marks the four-year anniversary of the brutal Islamic murder of Samuel Paty, a 47-year-old French middle school teacher who was beheaded by Abdoullakh Anzorov, an 18-year-old Russian Muslim Chechen migrant, on October 16, 2020. As he carried out the beheading, Anzorov screamed “Allahu Akbar,” the Islamic war cry.

Samuel Paty’s crime? Teaching his annual course on freedom of speech, where he showed his students some of the infamous Charlie Hebdo cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad. These same cartoons incited the deadly 2015 Islamic terrorist attack on the Charlie Hebdo office, killing 12 people in retaliation for the satirical portrayal of Islam. Paty’s murder is part of a continuing pattern of violent reprisals against those who defy Islamic law, serving as a grim warning of the escalating threat France faces. His death remains a symbol of the state’s failure to confront Islamic terror and protect free expression.

A Sister’s Heartbreaking Testimony

On the evening of Samuel Paty’s killing, his sister, Mickaëlle Paty, a nurse anesthetist, received a chilling message from their mother: “Samuel may have been killed in front of his school. Call me back on the landline.” At the time, she was working in an operating room, and the surreal nature of the message left her in disbelief. Was her brother merely wounded, or was he truly gone? Her mind raced with dread, clinging to the hope that it was some misunderstanding.

When she arrived at the morgue, the reality of the situation shattered her. The sight of her brother’s disfigured body, his face marked with deep wounds and his decapitation concealed by a sheet pulled to his neck, was unbearable. “I didn’t recognize him,” she recalled in horror, unable to accept that the mutilated body before her was Samuel. Only when her mother screamed, “Yes, it’s him,” did the devastating truth set in. Samuel Paty had been slaughtered by a Muslim for upholding the very principles of freedom and secularism that he taught in his classroom.

Read it all here.....
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 1:03 PM   0 comments
Tucker Carlson on the Real Reason the Trump Assassination Attempt in Butler Has Been Memory-Holed

Megyn Kelly is joined by Tucker Carlson, host of The Tucker Carlson Show, to talk about the powerful footage of the Trump assassination attempt in Butler in "Art of the Surge," what's really behind the memory-holing of that consequential event, the lack of consequences for failures in D.C., and more.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 12:52 PM   0 comments
Aides CUT OFF Interview as Kamala Harris BOMBS on Fox News as the lying Bitch got found out!
Kamala Harris did a much anticipated interview with Bret Baier on Fox News and Baier pressed Harris on her campaign slogan of "turning the page" and what that meant given she is currently the vice president of the United States. Her answer is catastrophically bad... and this eventually caused her aides to cut off this interview.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 12:34 PM   0 comments
Jesse Watters rips apart Kamal Harris
I have no problem voting for a woman, just NOT this woman. Black American voting for Trump 2024. Yes, woman for President Donald Trump 2024 he will make America great again. He will make America affordable again and he will make America safe again, you will be the first Communist in Jail, followed by the Demonrats.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 11:44 AM   0 comments
RUU Mufti Akan Kawal Ketat Hidup Anda (The Mufti Bill is about controlling you.)
Sheikh Madani is still trying for the backdoor, DAP, he is doing it without the lubes. The Federal Territories Mufti Bill 2024 is all about control. It is oppressive. The conservative Malays and clueless non-Malays will say there is nothing wrong with the Bill.

The unelected mufti will be more powerful than the Agong. The Mufti will make our life hell. Their fatwas which when gazetted, will become law. Do NOT believe the people who tell you that it won't affect your personal freedom. Do NOT believe anyone who tells you that it won't lead to authoritarian rule. Do NOT believe anyone who says it will NOT affect non-Muslims. It will. This Bill will control moderate Muslims & they'll think they are in Taliban land. The Mufti Bill is UNCONSTITUTIONAL You must oppose this bill. Tell your MP and your ADUN.

If this Mufti Bill is passed, there is no turning back.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 10:35 AM   0 comments
Mr. Bret Baier will go down as a Hero of the American people for his integrity and professionalism as a journalist
Interview with lying Wannabe President, why do so many people say Kamala Harris slept her way to the top? Her long-term relationship with Willie Brown is no secret. The Democrats are the enemy within, can you imagine the Homeland Security Chief is a Communist from Cuba?
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 10:30 AM   0 comments
Kamala Harris, the Communist Liar's meltdown
Such a painfully ignorant woman. Terrible.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 9:39 AM   0 comments

I couldn’t bear watching or listening to her lies. That’s why I love your summary. I grew up in the Middle class and I’m not voting for Kamala. Watching her dodge the questions and always bring up Trump is infuriating!

She came over to Fox News for an interview just to speak about Trump Trump Trump!! I will be voting for Trump for the first time this year because I can't stand this lady. She gets a small taste of what Trump gets EVERY SINGLE DAY and implodes, pathetic. This is the final nail in the coffin for Kamala Harris. Who cares what Donald Trump said or did?!?! The people wanted to know what SHE is about!!!

She was shouting over him so he couldn't even ask her anything. Last thing we need is an emotional, irrational woman in the oval office.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 9:34 AM   0 comments
Kamala’s Fox News Interview Trainwreck! Bret Baier Humiliates Her By Just Asking Relevant Questions
Lies through her Jamaican/Indian trashed arsehole. Kamala Harris sat down for an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, and Bret Baier simply asked her some basic questions, causing her to squirm, dodge, and lie.

Vote for the guy dodging bullets. Not for the woman dodging questions. Its a Republic not a Democracy......get it right!! Trump doesn't insult regular people...just the media and politicians. Lies, lies, and more lies.. She's absolutely pathetic.

Men with balls vote for Trump. Women with balls vote for Kamala.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 9:29 AM   0 comments
FBI and the US Secret Service Plot Against Trump
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

BCF : A recent report shows that the assassination attempts on President Donald Trump were facilitated by unacceptable misconduct and unprofessional behavior by employees of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the United States Secret Service (USSS) stemming from deep-seated politicization within these agencies.

The increasing politicization of the U.S. government and its institutions has become a pressing concern in many media. Conservative pundits have been sounding the alarm about that issue since at least 2016, when the FBI plot against Donald Trump was initially dismissed as a conspiracy theory. Now, after it became clear that the Democrat party has weaponized the Department of Justice to destroy Trump’s presidential campaign, it turned out the “conspirators” were telling nothing but truth.

Read it all here.....
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 9:28 PM   0 comments
There is no compulsion in the religion, they will say from the other side of their mouth. Another GISBH Abuya in making.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 9:03 PM   0 comments
The Diplomat FULL MOVIE - Thriller Movies
A British diplomat finds himself caught up in a web of espionage and deceit as he tries to prevent terrorists from trading a nuclear bomb. When Ian's connections with the Russian mafia are revealed, the deal is threatened, forcing the terrorists to stop at nothing. A high-stake action movie starring Dougray Scott (Hitman) and Claire Forlani (Meet Joe Black). Tense, gripping and mesmerising - a must watch.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 5:48 PM   0 comments
The most racist Black Bitch, Joy Reid MELTS DOWN Over Kamala LOSING To TRUMP Claiming White Fascists Are Trying To STEAL ELECTION
Joy Reid belongs in jail. I'm a Black American woman and I voted for Donald Trump and this will be my 3rd time! Janet Jackson was 100% correct about Kamala. I'm the daughter of a MEXICAN immigrant. He and my grandmother came here legally in the 50's. Our ENTIRE FAMILY is voting for Trump. Watch her ranting!
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 5:43 PM   0 comments
Trump ROASTS Bloomberg Reporter in HILARIOUSLY EPIC Townhall

You want to know about tariffs, listen to this. It is a clear and simple explanation. Donald Trump gets a standing ovation. Pure humiliation for the Bloomberg reporter. Trump sat down with Bloomberg ditor-in-chief John Micklethwait and absolutely dismantled all of his question on stage. Stay tuned, this is a good one.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 4:53 PM   0 comments
Wiped Out: Islam's Erasure of Christianity Across the Middle East

RAIR : In just over a century, the Near and Middle East have undergone a dramatic transformation, and not quietly.

At the start of the 20th century, 1 in 4 inhabitants of the region was Christian. Today, only 11 million Christians remain among 320 million Muslims—a striking reminder of the deep-rooted Christian histories in these lands, from Syria to Iraq to Egypt, which stretches back thousands of years. But today, the situation is drastically different. Christianity has been reduced to a mere fraction of the population, now just 1 in 30.

This isn’t just a matter of population shifts. It’s a testament to the brutal expansion of Islamic dominance and the systematic destruction of religious diversity in lands once shared by multiple faiths. From the mass exodus of Christians from Iraq following ISIS’s rise to power to the brutal crackdown on Coptic Christians in Egypt, the examples are endless. In 2014, entire Christian villages in Iraq were wiped out, and in Egypt, Copts have been repeatedly targeted with church bombings, kidnappings, and murders—all with little to no protection from the state.

The rise of Islamic terror, combined with state-sanctioned oppression, has squeezed the Christian population into the margins, driving millions to either leave or face persecution, violence, or death. Once-vibrant Christian communities in cities like Aleppo, Baghdad, and Cairo are now shadows of their former selves, reduced to ruins, with churches bombed, homes confiscated, and families forced into exile.

The rapid expansion of Islam has been marked not only by demographic takeover but by the terror it instills in those unwilling to conform. Sharia-inspired laws across the region have institutionalized the persecution of Christians. In places like Iran and Saudi Arabia, conversion from Islam to Christianity is punishable by death, while in countries like Pakistan, blasphemy laws are used as a tool to target religious minorities, often leading to mob violence and executions.

Christianity, which had flourished in the region for millennia, is being erased—deliberately, methodically, and violently. This isn’t peaceful coexistence; it’s the result of forced submission, systemic oppression, and an ideology that, when in power, leaves no room for anything other than Islamic dominance.

The decline of the Christian population in the Near and Middle East isn’t just a statistic—it’s a harrowing signal of what happens when Islam takes root and exerts its full strength. It’s the culmination of centuries of conflict, from the Armenian Genocide, where Christian minorities were systematically killed by the Ottoman Empire, to the ethnic cleansing campaigns in places like Syria, where even today, Christians are hunted by Islamic terrorist groups. History proves that where Islam expands, other religions face two grim choices: submission or death.

Read it all here....
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 4:19 PM   0 comments
GIVE ME ONE ISLAMIC STATE YOU’D LOVE TO LIVE IN - Douglas Murray Obliterates Muslim Immigrants
Not one person would want to live in an Islamic country. Stay in your own country and problem solved. A brilliantly put argument that the Islamists were unable to answer. Well done as usual Douglas.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 4:15 PM   0 comments
United Nations' Material Support for Terrorism: Allegedly Gave $1.3 Billion to Hamas in Cash, Presumably for Weapons Corruption and Bias Have Reduced the UN to Irrelevance by Con Coughlin

Gatestone Instititue : Gavriel Mairone, the attorney who is representing the plaintiffs, argues that these shocking allegations demonstrate that, for more than a decade, UNRWA's aid distribution network was involved in widespread fraud and corruption. The lawsuit claims this scheme not only enriched Hamas but also funded terrorism, playing a pivotal role in the October 7 attacks.

The first damning evidence of the UN's complicity in the worst terrorist atrocity committed in Israel's history emerged after Israel's military reported that 450 workers employed by UNRWA were "military operatives from Hamas and other armed groups" and has shared this intelligence with the United Nations.

The dossier of "a UN crime against humanity" and its demonization of Israel is too long to list, but one can get a glimpse of it... A better idea, given the body's recent woeful record on its handling of the Middle East, would be to demolish the entire infrastructure of this corrupt and institutionally biased body.

Accusations that the United Nations funded Hamas's terrorist infrastructure by transferring $1.3 billion to the organisation, some of which was used to finance the purchase of weapons used in last year's October 7 attacks, will only add to the view that the UN is no longer fit to fulfil the role for which it was originally intended.

A lawsuit filed in US Federal Court by victims of the October 7 Hamas attacks makes damning accusations against the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) that it was involved in orchestrating a large-scale money laundering operation from which the terrorist organisation benefitted. The suit alleges that significant amounts of humanitarian aid intended for Gaza residents were diverted to Hamas.

Read it all here.....
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 3:54 PM   0 comments
UN peacekeeping troops failing Israel as Hezbollah creates terror tunnels right under their noses By Douglas Murray

New York Post : The world’s eyes are once again focused on the south of Lebanon, as the Israel Defense Forces continues its war against Hezbollah.The IDF took me into Lebanon Saturday to see firsthand some of what it has already found.

The timing was important because the Israelis this week got caught in a battle of more than words with the United Nations “peacekeeping force” in the area.

Five UN force members have been wounded in recent days. The IDF has taken responsibility for several of these accidental cases, although two days ago, it was Hezbollah that hit a UN peacekeeper.

Still, the fact is that ever since the 2006 war here ended, the UN’s peacekeeping force has been not just useless but worse than useless.

It was meant to be here to ensure that peace was kept on this tinderbox of a border. But for the past year, it has sat useless as Hezbollah has fired tens of thousands of rockets from southern Lebanon into Israel.

Read it all here......
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 8:46 AM   0 comments
Disturbing video shows towering, knife-wielding woman gunned down after repeatedly stabbing cop

BCF : Disturbing bodycam video captured the moment a towering 6-foot-tall woman was fatally shot by a veteran Virginia cop just seconds after she charged at him with a knife and repeatedly slashed him.

Sydney Wilson, 33, was fatally shot by Fairfax County officer Peter Liu in the hall of her apartment building in Reston, just outside Washington D.C., on Sept. 16 after cops were called to carry out a welfare check on her, police said.

I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 (@ImMeme0) October 15, 2024
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 8:41 AM   0 comments
57, atrocities in the name of RoP around the world

On This Day...
Oct 15, 2015: Maiduguri, Nigeria
Suicide bombers self-detonate at rival mosques: 42 Killed
1. Hindu Man Brutally Tortured and Killed by Islamic Radicals…
2. Boston: Non-Profit Legitimizes Violence and Suicide at Rally…
3. Muslims Disrupt Moment of Silence for French Victims of Terror…
4. Domestic Abuse Victim Honor-Killed by Father and Brothers…
5. Dearborn Cleric Lauds Hezbollah and Iranian Mullahs…
6. Dutch Deputy PM Accused of Felony for Noting Muslim Jew-Hate
7. Terrorist Jailed for Setting Brush Fires in Australia…
8. Former Islamist Stronghold Sees 229 Honor Killings in 7 Years…
9. Man Who Killed 10-Year-Old Daughter: "Legally Punished Her"
10. Elderly Baha'i Woman Deprived of Medical Care in Prison…
11. Harvard Fundraising Takes Hit in Wake of Campus 'Activism'…
12. Hamas Refusing to Let Civilians Evacuate Combat Areas…
13. Taliban Brag of Destroying 20,000 Music Instruments in One Year…
14. Hamburg Islamists Flex Muscle in Open Call for Sharia…
15. Court Recommends Amputation for Convicted Thieves…
16. Malaysia Rules Husbands Have Right to Block Wives from Events
17. Tlaib Calls Netanyahu "Genocidal Maniac" Who "Burns Babies"…
18. Bangladeshi Impregnates 10-Year-Old While Awaiting "Asylum"…
19. France Arrests Muslim Migrant Ahead of Planned Attack…
20. "Pro-Palestinians" Deface Picasso
21. Senior Amazon Exec. Wears "River to the Sea" Necklace…
22. Hindu Journalist Hacked to Death in Bangladesh…
23. Front for Iran has Foothold in Manhattan…
24. UK Flag Burners Prais Allah: "This is Our Country Now, Kafirs!"…
25. Islamic Extremists Celebrate Deadly Attack in Germany…
26. Quran School Students Desecrate Hindu Idol…
27. Cleric Forbids Working at Aldi…
28. Under Taliban Religious Education Surges, Secular Education Suffers
29. Staged 'Pallywood' Clip Uses Children as Props…
30. Taliban Threaten Female Ex-Police Officers…
31. Palestinian Café in California Honors Hamas Leader Sinwar…
32. Muslim Comedian Mocks Oct. 7 Victims…
33. Documents Show Iran, Hezbollah Knew of Oct 7 in Advance…
34. Hindu Community Bombed in Bangladesh…
35. VP Harris Mingled with Iranian 'Operative' at Event…
36. Malay Tribe Tries to Leave Islam Following Forced Conversion…
37. BBC's Iran 'Expert' Proud of IRGC Service…
38. Masked NYC Woman Brags About Ripping Down Hostage Posters
39. Germany: Iranian Goes on Arson Rampage Near Theater…
40. Iranian Journalist Stabbed in UK: "I Feel Safer in Israel"…
41. UK: One-Third of Jews Have to Withdraw from Normal Activities…
42. Islamic Film Festival Seeks Works 'Without Living Beings'…
43. Sadiq Khan's 'Approved' Cleric: Gays are "Worse than Animals"
44. US: Afghan Terrorist Passed Multiple Screenings…
45. US Intel: Iranian Effort to Kill Former Trump Officials is Serious…
46. Guardian Review Criticized the "Demonization" of Hamas…
47. 'Rule of Islam' Policies Fuel Mental Health Issues…
48 CBS Instructs Journalists Not to Acknowledge Israeli Jerusalem…
49. Pregnant Swedish Woman Killed for 'Being Too White'…
50. Farmer Stabbed by 'Migrants': Spain is "Overwhelmed"…
51. Iranian Official: "Hitler was Right in His Approach to the Jews"…
52. London's Mayor Allows Ads for Hate Preacher, but Not Cake…
53. Slave Freed from Gaza: "I Tried Suicide Many Times"…
54. Demonstrators Claim Chicago "for Hamas"…
55. UK Police Jail Elderly Christian for Commenting on Islam…
56. 13-Year-Old Captive Kept in Pen, Beaten by Palestinian Civilians…

posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 8:27 AM   0 comments
Shake Hands With The Devil - Full Movie
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
The story of General Romeo Dallaire's frustrated efforts to stop the madness of the Rwandan Genocide, despite the complete indifference of his superiors.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 8:33 PM   0 comments
A Visit to the Malaysian Communist Party tunnels in Betong, Thailand
Murray Hunter : An important part of Malaysia’s history. In the mountains approximately 18 kms north-West of the border tourism town of Betong is where the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) 12th battalion were domiciled, after withdrawing from Malaysia during the 1970s.

The CPM was dissolved, with the Malaysian Communist Party (MCP) formed on 5th December 1983, through the merger of two CPM splinter groups, the CPM revolutionary faction, and the CPM Marxist Leninist faction. The Communist Party of Malaya head Chin Peng was denounced as a counter revolutionary by the new party.

The tunnels at Piyamit 1, in Tambon Tano Mae Ro were built in 1976 by a group of 40-50 cadres over three months, by hand. The tunnels stretch approximately over one kilometre, with originally 9 entrances with cavities up to 20 metres wide in some places. The complex could accommodate up to 200 people.
No description available.
This was one of three guerrilla bases, the other two being at Khao Nam Kang, Sadao in Songkhla, where the 8th battalion was domiciled and Sukhrin District in Narathiwat, where the 10th battalion was domiciled. No description available.
The prime purpose of the tunnels was to act as an air raid shelter and a food, weapon, and ammunition storage. The guerrilla group lived in the jungle and walked through dense forests with supplies to carry out their insurgency missions into Malaysia. When looking around the area of the tunnels, its extremely hard to comprehend how difficult these hit and run missions would have been. The museum on site provides some insights.
The MCP didn’t have the strength to lay siege to towns and cities according Maoist tactics. Conditions in Malaysia were very different were MCP cadres were primarily Chinese, and the villages primarily Malays. The MCP relied upon support of the Chinese and Orang Asli. The aim of the MCP was to build a People’s Democratic United Front to bring down the ‘reactionary Kuala Lumpur regime.’ The party was opposed to bureaucratic capitalism, now known as GLCs, feudalism, and imperialism. The MCP wanted to create a People’s Republic of Malaysia, abolishing all reactionary laws, upholding freedom of religion, nationalising foreign companies, seizing lands occupied by big businesses, and redistribute those lands to landless peasants. The MCP also wanted the equality of all nationalities, and oppose what they saw as neo-colonialism.
No description available. Thai military authorities estimated the MCP had a force of approximately 800 guerrillas before their surrender to the Royal Thai Army in 1987. Of the 800 guerrillas who surrendered, 250 were women. There are a number of peace villages within the area, with the land a donation from King Rama IX of Thailand, who also granted those who stayed Thai citizenship.
Today the complex is a prime tourist attraction in Betong, near the hot springs. Pre-Covid, the attraction received around 200,000 tourists, mainly from Malaysia and Singapore.

The attraction is very quickly becoming busy once again.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 8:19 PM   0 comments
Intense film about the war in Afghanistan
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 5:00 PM   0 comments
How can Harris be neck and neck in polling. I don't think Americans are that gullible

How many buses will Kamala need to get enough people to her rally so she is not embarrassed by her turn out compared to Trump? We the people save your country do not vote for a Democrat for any office anywhere at any time.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 2:46 PM   0 comments
Movie "Before and After" Starring Liam Neeson and Meryl Streep

How far would you go to protect your son or daughter from prosecution? Would you bend the truth or take the blame? This loving family struggles with moral issues vs. Unconditional Love for their son that they brought into this crazy world and thought they did everything right when they raised him.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 2:41 PM   0 comments
Kamala Is Desperate

Kamala Harris just shockingly agreed to a Fox News interview with Bret Baier, and indicates to one thing: panic. The Kamala campaign seems to be panicking, folks. And considering what the latest election polls have been showing, it doesn't seem like an over-exaggeration. Kamala Harris is down in the polls, while Trump seems to be having a smooth ride. Stay tuned.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 2:27 PM   0 comments
Malaysia Taking Another Step Towards Becoming An Islamic State – Analysis

Murray Hunter : New bill introduced into parliament will give powers to the Federal Territories mufti equal to the parliament. A bill, which will radically change the nature of governance in Malaysia is now going through the parliament.

The Mufti (Federal Territories) Bill 2024 will give the federal territories mufti powers that can’t be challenged by the parliament, where the mufti himself, will have legal immunity. The bill also selectively defines Islam as Ahl Sunnah Wah Jamaah, Mazhab Syafie that is aligned with the al-Asyarah and al-Maturidiyah schools of thought. This ignores the diversity of the many schools of Islam long existing in Malaysia.

The bill was introduced by the minister in the prime minister’s department Mohd Na’im Mokhtar (religious affairs), which presumably had cabinet approval. In addition, the Conference of Rulers name has been used to promote the bill, even with the Raja of Perlis Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Putra Jamalullail expressing concerns over the narrow interpretation of Islam. Although the bill is limited to the federal territories (Putra Jaya, Wilayah Kuala Lumpur, and Labuan), any forthcoming law may act as a precedent for other states in the peninsula to follow.

A number of NGOs, including the Sisters in Islam Aliran, and a number of groups in Sabah and Sarawak, together with public figures, including former law minister Zaid Ibrahim and lawyer/activist Siti Kassim have opposed the bill. Members of prime minister Anwar Ibrahim’s own government, namely those in the DAP, and his own party PKR have remained completely silent over the issue.

In fact, the PKR MP for Bangi Syahredzan Johan defended the bill, saying any fatwas in the Federal Territories would not be enforceable in the states. A contentious bill The Mufti bill will create a second source of laws in the Federal Territories, unintended by the Malaysian Constitution. Fatwas that will become law, will not be vetted by elected representatives and will not have to be gazetted to be legally binding.

This dilutes the exclusivity of the parliament to be the supreme law maker in the Federal Territories. The new law would convert fatwas into law, which are considered in Islamic jurisprudence as an advisory. Muslims who follow the Shi’ia, Maliki, Hanbali and Hamidi Mazhabs, or follow the teachings of Salafi/Wahabism, could potentially be persecuted under the law.

Those who practice the very liberal Nusantara Islam will also have many of their practices banned, and be considered deviant as well. The Perlis Mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin (known as Dr Maza) contests the bill upon the basis that it restricts freedom of religion and thought, as the Perlis Constitution specifies Al-Sunnah Waljamaah (follower of the Quran and Sunnah), and thus the centre of Salafi/Wahabism in Malaysia.

Should the Mufti bill become law, it will allow the authorities to purge the civil service, education institutions, and the military of Salafi sympathisers. The Mufti bill conflicts with Constitutional guarantees of religious freedom. Thus, it is constitutionally very questionable. Article 3 of the Constitution states that “Islam is the religion of the Federation”.

The Constitution doesn’t mention any specific kind of Islam. Section 2(1) of the Administration of Islamic Law (Federal Territories) Act 1993 (Act 505) acknowledges a wide range of Mazhab. The Mufti bill restricts this and puts a restrictive interpretation upon the constitution. Clause 2 of the Mufti Bill provides that any fatwa issued will be binding upon any Muslim in the Federal Territories.

This will affect every aspect of every Muslim’s personal, economic, and political lives. This will allow the criminalising of traditional Malay customs and pastimes, and prevent Malays attending non-Muslim ceremonies and festivals. The bill will also allow a full scale was against LGBTQ groups in Malaysia. However, this conflicts with Section 34(3) of the Administration of Islamic Law (Federal Territories) Act 1993 (Act 505), where there is an exemption for matters of personal opinion, which most fatwas are.

Clause 4(1) of the Mufti Bill makes the mufti the chief authority on issues of Islamic law in the Federal Territories. This, in effect puts the mufti above the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong (YDPA), or king, who is designated the head of Islam in in Articles 3(5) and 34(1) of the constitution. In addition, Clause 8(6) of the Mufti Bill allows the Federal territories mufti to initiate the issuing of any fatwas without any direction of the YDPA.

The prime minister Anwar Ibrahim so far has been silent on the Mufti bill, which will change the nature of the constitutional division of powers in government today. An unelected, appointed person will have more power than the YDPA and parliament to make any laws without scrutiny and accountability to the people. Effectively, Malaysia becomes an Islamic theocracy. The YDPA will nominally remain as the head of Islam, but matters of theology and Islamic jurisprudence will be taken away.

The bill is a continuation of Anwar Ibrahim’s work of Islamizing the Malaysian bureaucracy back in the 1980s, when he was deputy prime minister. However, this time Anwar has abandoned his commitment to the Amman Message 2005, which recognized all global Islamic sects, with the mission of building an inclusive Ummah across all sectarian groups.

Some see the bill as a continued fight among the Malay Clerics The bill can be seen as a direct attack on the Salafi factions within the government. An organization referred to as the Alumni, whose membership is Salafi leaning has infiltrated most of government and education bureaucracy. The bill, should it become law will allow the purging of the Alumni from the bureaucracy, and prevent Salafi leaning Muslims entering the bureaucracy in the future.

The new Mufti law will become a powerful weapon for the government to use against those who oppose it in the civil service and society. Potential political consequences The bill could promote further sectarian tensions in Malaysia, which have been subdued and behind the scenes until today. This is primarily a fight between those aligned to the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Salafi/Wahabi movement in Malaysia.

However, the bill will have serious political implications upon current politics in Malaysia. There is no doubt the bill is eroding the trust of DAP Leaders in the government they are part of. The DAP has been pushed aside in its views inside government and this may seriously lead to a fall of support from non-Malays. Disenchanted supporters of the DAP, with few choices available will just not turn out to vote in future elections.

The DAP stands to lose in reputation. Many traditional supporters of Pakatan Harapan (PH) are now starting to see little difference between PH and Perikatan Nasional (PN). The bill is building a theological bridge between the Anwarists and PAS, while at the same time alienating the DAP. This could, at some time in the future lead to a seismic shift in government. Political circles in Sabah and Sarawak are looking at the bill with concern.

This will lead to further pushes by the Borneo states for more autonomy. Sarawak is already going far along this path. However, the bill will disturb many in Kota Kinabalu, who may plan to follow the initiatives Sarawak has already taken. There is a great possibility that this law may spread to other states in the Peninsula, where their own bills are passed giving their respective state mufti similar powers. Whilst the bill may be seen as unconstitutional, the is doubt that any party would go ahead and challenge the Mufti Bill in court, should it become law.

Originally published in the Eurasia Review 13th October 2024
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 2:02 PM   0 comments
10 Natural Disaster Videos You Have to See
Monday, October 14, 2024
Watch '10 Natural Disaster Videos You Have to See' for the most intense and awe-inspiring footage of nature’s fury! Experience powerful earthquakes, massive tsunamis, devastating hurricanes, and more, all captured on camera. These gripping videos showcase the raw power of natural disasters.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 9:16 PM   0 comments
Hezbollah’s Rise to Power: How Global Crime Funded a Terrorist Empire (All episodes)
It’s widely recognised as a terrorist organisation, responsible for many atrocities including the Beirut port blast and destabilisation of Lebanon. But 42 years on, the ‘Party of God’, remains stronger than ever.

It has transformed itself from a small paramilitary group backed by Iran into an omnipotent political party with the largest private army in the world. A ’state within a state’, whose extensive charity network ensures the popular support of the Shiite community while its military wing attempts to redraw the borders of the region and erase Israel from the map.

But in 2008, after amassing evidence that Hezbollah was earning up to $1 billion a year running an international crime syndicate trafficking in drugs, money laundering and other criminal activities, the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) tried to ’bring down Hezbollah’. Their secret mission was called ‘Project Cassandra’, and it ran for over eight years, using wiretaps, undercover operations and informants to map Hezbollah’s illicit networks and cut off funding.

Then, suddenly, it was shut down: sacrificed on the altar of realpolitik to accommodate the US-Iranian nuclear deal. This three part series tells the story of ‘Project Cassandra’, through the testimonies of DEA agents and other people involved.

It’s a tale that helps explain the history and rise of Hezbollah, making a complex geopolitical story accessible to a larger audience.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 3:35 PM   0 comments
Malaysia Challenges Aggressive China in Sea Oil Exploration
Finally our Navy apparently grew a pair! Malaysia is asserting its maritime rights in the South China Sea by reportedly shadowing Chinese vessels operating within its claimed waters. Congratz, Malaysia! Welcome to the Bullied Club with Vietnam and the Philippines!
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 3:31 PM   0 comments
Pelarasan Pencen Pesara Sebelum Tahun 2013 Perlu Dimuktamadkan Dalam Bajet 2024 - Presiden PVATM
Woi, Captain, Jangan la mengemis untuk hak anda, lama sangat Veteran di kongkek, sudah di kongkek, masih lagi di kongkek, kita akan di kongkek sehingga mampus. Sekarang ramai dah uzur dan umur mereka adalah antara umur 60 hingga 80 ke atas.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 3:29 PM   0 comments
Israeli Army Chief Killed In Hezbollah Strike?
In a dramatic escalation of hostilities, Hezbollah launched a coordinated suicide drone attack on an Israeli military base housing the Golani Brigade, located in southern Haifa near Binyamina.

The strike, which targeted a dining hall during meal hours, left 70 Israeli soldiers injured, some critically. Hezbollah claimed responsibility, stating the attack was in retaliation for Israeli airstrikes on Beirut and in support of Palestinians in Gaza. Israeli forces shot down two of the three drones, but the third successfully struck its target, leading to mass casualties. Tensions in the region are now at a boiling point.

noch al miskavch beshlum
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 12:03 PM   0 comments
Not be surprised if this gang is behind it

There has been a THIRD attempt on Donald Trump's life and it appears this time the would-be assassin planned to take out as many Trump supporters as he could on his way out.

If he can stay alive, it's only showing Americans, all Americans how dedicated he is to running this country the way it supposed to be ran and how much he actually cares about the citizens of America. Who in their right mind wouldn't just throw their damn hands up and go live a normal life? He loves us and he wants what's best for us and he's showing that he's willing to die for it! That's the man I want to proudly call my president..MAGA! TRUMP 🇺🇸2024!! 💪

Crazy shit, they not going to stop until they succeed.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 11:21 AM   0 comments
Donald Trump - The Outlier (Full Documentary)

Will Trump win in 2024? To attempt to answer that question, we look back at his presidential campaign and victory in 2016.

All politicians when leaving office become millionaires, look at Obama and Michele. In Malaysia look at UMNO. Donald Trump’s time in the spotlight was a whirlwind of events that to this day have not completely concluded. What was the enigmatic era hiding that only hindsight can uncover? Between the obscure key players behind Trump’s rise to power and the contenders who worked avidly against him, a riddle was written in a code that stumped the masses. This film attempts to decode the uncanny events that took place, and answer the question, “How did Trump rise to power?”

Joe Rogan, PBD, Benny Johnson, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk and many many many more, all of you guys have to help share this video out, this needs to go viral!
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 8:50 AM   0 comments
The Mufti Bill, as explained by legal experts By ZAKIAH KOYA

The Star : THE much talked-about Mufti (Federal Territories) Bill 2024 is not entirely new, but it has caused a stir online after Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Senator Datuk Dr Mohd Naim Mokhtar announced that it will be tabled for a second and third reading in the next Parliament meeting, scheduled to begin on Oct 14.

The Mufti Bill, as it is popularly known, will define the role and the responsibilities of the Mufti in the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya.

Among the duties written out in the Bill is that of the Mufti advising the King on Syariah Law (Section 4), the issuance of fatwas (Section 10), committees to check on fatwas (Section 7), lunar sightings (Section 22) and matters related to the Islamic religious education under Section 26.

The Bill has raised controversy especially regarding the adherence to the Sunni denomination and the al-Asyairah and al-Maturidiyah schools of theology. (See Below) 

The experts also point out that the Mufti Bill does not prevent legal challenges against rulings by the Mufti of Federal Territories.

They, however, call for the Bill to embrace the Federal Constitution’s principle of inclusivity by accepting other Islamic schools of thought to foster better unity among the Muslims in the country.

Clause by clause by constitutional experts

According to constitutional law expert Dr Muhammad Hameedullah Md Asri of Universiti Malaya, Clause (4) of the same Article allows the State law, or in the case of Federal Territories, federal law to control or restrict the propagation of any religious doctrine or belief among persons professing the religion of Islam.

“This is akin to the freedom of speech, which too has a number of exceptions – it is not absolute freedom.

Some parties have said that the Bill is unconstitutional and threatens to undermine individual freedoms and human rights.

Constitutional experts say what is being proposed is to consolidate all matters related to Mufti and his institution into a single Act which will apply only to the Federal Territories.

They explain that although the Federal Constitution does guarantee freedom of religion under Article 11(1), there are provisions for the states to oversee and control the practice and propagation of the Muslim faith itself.

Read it all here.....

posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 8:46 AM   0 comments

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