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Rudyard Kipling

" ā€œWhen you're left wounded on
Afganistan's plains and

the women come out to cut up what remains,
Just roll to your rifle

and blow out your brains,
And go to your God like a soldierā€
General Douglas MacArthur

" ā€œWe are not retreating. We are advancing in another direction.ā€

ā€œIt is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.ā€
ā€œOld soldiers never die; they just fade away.
ā€œThe soldier, above all other people, prays for peace,
for he must suffer and be the deepest wounds and scars of war.ā€
ā€œMay God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't .ā€
ā€œThe object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.

ā€œNobody ever defended, there is only attack and attack and attack some more.
ā€œIt is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died.
Rather we should thank God that such men lived.
The Soldier stood and faced God
Which must always come to pass
He hoped his shoes were shining
Just as bright as his brass
"Step forward you Soldier,
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My Church have you been true?"
"No, Lord, I guess I ain't
Because those of us who carry guns
Can't always be a saint."
I've had to work on Sundays
And at times my talk was tough,
And sometimes I've been violent,
Because the world is awfully rough.
But, I never took a penny
That wasn't mine to keep.
Though I worked a lot of overtime
When the bills got just too steep,
The Soldier squared his shoulders and said
And I never passed a cry for help
Though at times I shook with fear,
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around
Except to calm their fears.
If you've a place for me here,
Lord, It needn't be so grand,
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't, I'll understand."
There was silence all around the throne
Where the saints had often trod
As the Soldier waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, you Soldier,
You've borne your burden well.
Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in Hell."

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Shake Hands With The Devil - Full Movie
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
The story of General Romeo Dallaire's frustrated efforts to stop the madness of the Rwandan Genocide, despite the complete indifference of his superiors.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 8:33 PM   0 comments
A Visit to the Malaysian Communist Party tunnels in Betong, Thailand
Murray Hunter : An important part of Malaysiaā€™s history. In the mountains approximately 18 kms north-West of the border tourism town of Betong is where the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) 12th battalion were domiciled, after withdrawing from Malaysia during the 1970s.

The CPM was dissolved, with the Malaysian Communist Party (MCP) formed on 5th December 1983, through the merger of two CPM splinter groups, the CPM revolutionary faction, and the CPM Marxist Leninist faction. The Communist Party of Malaya head Chin Peng was denounced as a counter revolutionary by the new party.

The tunnels at Piyamit 1, in Tambon Tano Mae Ro were built in 1976 by a group of 40-50 cadres over three months, by hand. The tunnels stretch approximately over one kilometre, with originally 9 entrances with cavities up to 20 metres wide in some places. The complex could accommodate up to 200 people.
No description available.
This was one of three guerrilla bases, the other two being at Khao Nam Kang, Sadao in Songkhla, where the 8th battalion was domiciled and Sukhrin District in Narathiwat, where the 10th battalion was domiciled. No description available.
The prime purpose of the tunnels was to act as an air raid shelter and a food, weapon, and ammunition storage. The guerrilla group lived in the jungle and walked through dense forests with supplies to carry out their insurgency missions into Malaysia. When looking around the area of the tunnels, its extremely hard to comprehend how difficult these hit and run missions would have been. The museum on site provides some insights.
The MCP didnā€™t have the strength to lay siege to towns and cities according Maoist tactics. Conditions in Malaysia were very different were MCP cadres were primarily Chinese, and the villages primarily Malays. The MCP relied upon support of the Chinese and Orang Asli. The aim of the MCP was to build a Peopleā€™s Democratic United Front to bring down the ā€˜reactionary Kuala Lumpur regime.ā€™ The party was opposed to bureaucratic capitalism, now known as GLCs, feudalism, and imperialism. The MCP wanted to create a Peopleā€™s Republic of Malaysia, abolishing all reactionary laws, upholding freedom of religion, nationalising foreign companies, seizing lands occupied by big businesses, and redistribute those lands to landless peasants. The MCP also wanted the equality of all nationalities, and oppose what they saw as neo-colonialism.
No description available. Thai military authorities estimated the MCP had a force of approximately 800 guerrillas before their surrender to the Royal Thai Army in 1987. Of the 800 guerrillas who surrendered, 250 were women. There are a number of peace villages within the area, with the land a donation from King Rama IX of Thailand, who also granted those who stayed Thai citizenship.
Today the complex is a prime tourist attraction in Betong, near the hot springs. Pre-Covid, the attraction received around 200,000 tourists, mainly from Malaysia and Singapore.

The attraction is very quickly becoming busy once again.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 8:19 PM   0 comments
Intense film about the war in Afghanistan
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 5:00 PM   0 comments
How can Harris be neck and neck in polling. I don't think Americans are that gullible

How many buses will Kamala need to get enough people to her rally so she is not embarrassed by her turn out compared to Trump? We the people save your country do not vote for a Democrat for any office anywhere at any time.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 2:46 PM   0 comments
Movie "Before and After" Starring Liam Neeson and Meryl Streep

How far would you go to protect your son or daughter from prosecution? Would you bend the truth or take the blame? This loving family struggles with moral issues vs. Unconditional Love for their son that they brought into this crazy world and thought they did everything right when they raised him.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 2:41 PM   0 comments
Kamala Is Desperate

Kamala Harris just shockingly agreed to a Fox News interview with Bret Baier, and indicates to one thing: panic. The Kamala campaign seems to be panicking, folks. And considering what the latest election polls have been showing, it doesn't seem like an over-exaggeration. Kamala Harris is down in the polls, while Trump seems to be having a smooth ride. Stay tuned.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 2:27 PM   0 comments
Malaysia Taking Another Step Towards Becoming An Islamic State ā€“ Analysis

Murray Hunter : New bill introduced into parliament will give powers to the Federal Territories mufti equal to the parliament. A bill, which will radically change the nature of governance in Malaysia is now going through the parliament.

The Mufti (Federal Territories) Bill 2024 will give the federal territories mufti powers that canā€™t be challenged by the parliament, where the mufti himself, will have legal immunity. The bill also selectively defines Islam as Ahl Sunnah Wah Jamaah, Mazhab Syafie that is aligned with the al-Asyarah and al-Maturidiyah schools of thought. This ignores the diversity of the many schools of Islam long existing in Malaysia.

The bill was introduced by the minister in the prime ministerā€™s department Mohd Naā€™im Mokhtar (religious affairs), which presumably had cabinet approval. In addition, the Conference of Rulers name has been used to promote the bill, even with the Raja of Perlis Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Putra Jamalullail expressing concerns over the narrow interpretation of Islam. Although the bill is limited to the federal territories (Putra Jaya, Wilayah Kuala Lumpur, and Labuan), any forthcoming law may act as a precedent for other states in the peninsula to follow.

A number of NGOs, including the Sisters in Islam Aliran, and a number of groups in Sabah and Sarawak, together with public figures, including former law minister Zaid Ibrahim and lawyer/activist Siti Kassim have opposed the bill. Members of prime minister Anwar Ibrahimā€™s own government, namely those in the DAP, and his own party PKR have remained completely silent over the issue.

In fact, the PKR MP for Bangi Syahredzan Johan defended the bill, saying any fatwas in the Federal Territories would not be enforceable in the states. A contentious bill The Mufti bill will create a second source of laws in the Federal Territories, unintended by the Malaysian Constitution. Fatwas that will become law, will not be vetted by elected representatives and will not have to be gazetted to be legally binding.

This dilutes the exclusivity of the parliament to be the supreme law maker in the Federal Territories. The new law would convert fatwas into law, which are considered in Islamic jurisprudence as an advisory. Muslims who follow the Shiā€™ia, Maliki, Hanbali and Hamidi Mazhabs, or follow the teachings of Salafi/Wahabism, could potentially be persecuted under the law.

Those who practice the very liberal Nusantara Islam will also have many of their practices banned, and be considered deviant as well. The Perlis Mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin (known as Dr Maza) contests the bill upon the basis that it restricts freedom of religion and thought, as the Perlis Constitution specifies Al-Sunnah Waljamaah (follower of the Quran and Sunnah), and thus the centre of Salafi/Wahabism in Malaysia.

Should the Mufti bill become law, it will allow the authorities to purge the civil service, education institutions, and the military of Salafi sympathisers. The Mufti bill conflicts with Constitutional guarantees of religious freedom. Thus, it is constitutionally very questionable. Article 3 of the Constitution states that ā€œIslam is the religion of the Federationā€.

The Constitution doesnā€™t mention any specific kind of Islam. Section 2(1) of the Administration of Islamic Law (Federal Territories) Act 1993 (Act 505) acknowledges a wide range of Mazhab. The Mufti bill restricts this and puts a restrictive interpretation upon the constitution. Clause 2 of the Mufti Bill provides that any fatwa issued will be binding upon any Muslim in the Federal Territories.

This will affect every aspect of every Muslimā€™s personal, economic, and political lives. This will allow the criminalising of traditional Malay customs and pastimes, and prevent Malays attending non-Muslim ceremonies and festivals. The bill will also allow a full scale was against LGBTQ groups in Malaysia. However, this conflicts with Section 34(3) of the Administration of Islamic Law (Federal Territories) Act 1993 (Act 505), where there is an exemption for matters of personal opinion, which most fatwas are.

Clause 4(1) of the Mufti Bill makes the mufti the chief authority on issues of Islamic law in the Federal Territories. This, in effect puts the mufti above the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong (YDPA), or king, who is designated the head of Islam in in Articles 3(5) and 34(1) of the constitution. In addition, Clause 8(6) of the Mufti Bill allows the Federal territories mufti to initiate the issuing of any fatwas without any direction of the YDPA.

The prime minister Anwar Ibrahim so far has been silent on the Mufti bill, which will change the nature of the constitutional division of powers in government today. An unelected, appointed person will have more power than the YDPA and parliament to make any laws without scrutiny and accountability to the people. Effectively, Malaysia becomes an Islamic theocracy. The YDPA will nominally remain as the head of Islam, but matters of theology and Islamic jurisprudence will be taken away.

The bill is a continuation of Anwar Ibrahimā€™s work of Islamizing the Malaysian bureaucracy back in the 1980s, when he was deputy prime minister. However, this time Anwar has abandoned his commitment to the Amman Message 2005, which recognized all global Islamic sects, with the mission of building an inclusive Ummah across all sectarian groups.

Some see the bill as a continued fight among the Malay Clerics The bill can be seen as a direct attack on the Salafi factions within the government. An organization referred to as the Alumni, whose membership is Salafi leaning has infiltrated most of government and education bureaucracy. The bill, should it become law will allow the purging of the Alumni from the bureaucracy, and prevent Salafi leaning Muslims entering the bureaucracy in the future.

The new Mufti law will become a powerful weapon for the government to use against those who oppose it in the civil service and society. Potential political consequences The bill could promote further sectarian tensions in Malaysia, which have been subdued and behind the scenes until today. This is primarily a fight between those aligned to the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Salafi/Wahabi movement in Malaysia.

However, the bill will have serious political implications upon current politics in Malaysia. There is no doubt the bill is eroding the trust of DAP Leaders in the government they are part of. The DAP has been pushed aside in its views inside government and this may seriously lead to a fall of support from non-Malays. Disenchanted supporters of the DAP, with few choices available will just not turn out to vote in future elections.

The DAP stands to lose in reputation. Many traditional supporters of Pakatan Harapan (PH) are now starting to see little difference between PH and Perikatan Nasional (PN). The bill is building a theological bridge between the Anwarists and PAS, while at the same time alienating the DAP. This could, at some time in the future lead to a seismic shift in government. Political circles in Sabah and Sarawak are looking at the bill with concern.

This will lead to further pushes by the Borneo states for more autonomy. Sarawak is already going far along this path. However, the bill will disturb many in Kota Kinabalu, who may plan to follow the initiatives Sarawak has already taken. There is a great possibility that this law may spread to other states in the Peninsula, where their own bills are passed giving their respective state mufti similar powers. Whilst the bill may be seen as unconstitutional, the is doubt that any party would go ahead and challenge the Mufti Bill in court, should it become law.

Originally published in the Eurasia Review 13th October 2024
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 2:02 PM   0 comments
10 Natural Disaster Videos You Have to See
Monday, October 14, 2024
Watch '10 Natural Disaster Videos You Have to See' for the most intense and awe-inspiring footage of natureā€™s fury! Experience powerful earthquakes, massive tsunamis, devastating hurricanes, and more, all captured on camera. These gripping videos showcase the raw power of natural disasters.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 9:16 PM   0 comments
Hezbollahā€™s Rise to Power: How Global Crime Funded a Terrorist Empire (All episodes)
Itā€™s widely recognised as a terrorist organisation, responsible for many atrocities including the Beirut port blast and destabilisation of Lebanon. But 42 years on, the ā€˜Party of Godā€™, remains stronger than ever.

It has transformed itself from a small paramilitary group backed by Iran into an omnipotent political party with the largest private army in the world. A ā€™state within a stateā€™, whose extensive charity network ensures the popular support of the Shiite community while its military wing attempts to redraw the borders of the region and erase Israel from the map.

But in 2008, after amassing evidence that Hezbollah was earning up to $1 billion a year running an international crime syndicate trafficking in drugs, money laundering and other criminal activities, the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) tried to ā€™bring down Hezbollahā€™. Their secret mission was called ā€˜Project Cassandraā€™, and it ran for over eight years, using wiretaps, undercover operations and informants to map Hezbollahā€™s illicit networks and cut off funding.

Then, suddenly, it was shut down: sacrificed on the altar of realpolitik to accommodate the US-Iranian nuclear deal. This three part series tells the story of ā€˜Project Cassandraā€™, through the testimonies of DEA agents and other people involved.

Itā€™s a tale that helps explain the history and rise of Hezbollah, making a complex geopolitical story accessible to a larger audience.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 3:35 PM   0 comments
Malaysia Challenges Aggressive China in Sea Oil Exploration
Finally our Navy apparently grew a pair! Malaysia is asserting its maritime rights in the South China Sea by reportedly shadowing Chinese vessels operating within its claimed waters. Congratz, Malaysia! Welcome to the Bullied Club with Vietnam and the Philippines!
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 3:31 PM   0 comments
Pelarasan Pencen Pesara Sebelum Tahun 2013 Perlu Dimuktamadkan Dalam Bajet 2024 - Presiden PVATM
Woi, Captain, Jangan la mengemis untuk hak anda, lama sangat Veteran di kongkek, sudah di kongkek, masih lagi di kongkek, kita akan di kongkek sehingga mampus. Sekarang ramai dah uzur dan umur mereka adalah antara umur 60 hingga 80 ke atas.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 3:29 PM   0 comments
Israeli Army Chief Killed In Hezbollah Strike?
In a dramatic escalation of hostilities, Hezbollah launched a coordinated suicide drone attack on an Israeli military base housing the Golani Brigade, located in southern Haifa near Binyamina.

The strike, which targeted a dining hall during meal hours, left 70 Israeli soldiers injured, some critically. Hezbollah claimed responsibility, stating the attack was in retaliation for Israeli airstrikes on Beirut and in support of Palestinians in Gaza. Israeli forces shot down two of the three drones, but the third successfully struck its target, leading to mass casualties. Tensions in the region are now at a boiling point.

noch al miskavch beshlum
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 12:03 PM   0 comments
Not be surprised if this gang is behind it

There has been a THIRD attempt on Donald Trump's life and it appears this time the would-be assassin planned to take out as many Trump supporters as he could on his way out.

If he can stay alive, it's only showing Americans, all Americans how dedicated he is to running this country the way it supposed to be ran and how much he actually cares about the citizens of America. Who in their right mind wouldn't just throw their damn hands up and go live a normal life? He loves us and he wants what's best for us and he's showing that he's willing to die for it! That's the man I want to proudly call my president..MAGA! TRUMP šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø2024!! šŸ’Ŗ

Crazy shit, they not going to stop until they succeed.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 11:21 AM   0 comments
Donald Trump - The Outlier (Full Documentary)

Will Trump win in 2024? To attempt to answer that question, we look back at his presidential campaign and victory in 2016.

All politicians when leaving office become millionaires, look at Obama and Michele. In Malaysia look at UMNO. Donald Trumpā€™s time in the spotlight was a whirlwind of events that to this day have not completely concluded. What was the enigmatic era hiding that only hindsight can uncover? Between the obscure key players behind Trumpā€™s rise to power and the contenders who worked avidly against him, a riddle was written in a code that stumped the masses. This film attempts to decode the uncanny events that took place, and answer the question, ā€œHow did Trump rise to power?ā€

Joe Rogan, PBD, Benny Johnson, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk and many many many more, all of you guys have to help share this video out, this needs to go viral!
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 8:50 AM   0 comments
The Mufti Bill, as explained by legal experts By ZAKIAH KOYA

The Star : THE much talked-about Mufti (Federal Territories) Bill 2024 is not entirely new, but it has caused a stir online after Minister in the Prime Ministerā€™s Department Senator Datuk Dr Mohd Naim Mokhtar announced that it will be tabled for a second and third reading in the next Parliament meeting, scheduled to begin on Oct 14.

The Mufti Bill, as it is popularly known, will define the role and the responsibilities of the Mufti in the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya.

Among the duties written out in the Bill is that of the Mufti advising the King on Syariah Law (Section 4), the issuance of fatwas (Section 10), committees to check on fatwas (Section 7), lunar sightings (Section 22) and matters related to the Islamic religious education under Section 26.

The Bill has raised controversy especially regarding the adherence to the Sunni denomination and the al-Asyairah and al-Maturidiyah schools of theology. (See Below) 

The experts also point out that the Mufti Bill does not prevent legal challenges against rulings by the Mufti of Federal Territories.

They, however, call for the Bill to embrace the Federal Constitutionā€™s principle of inclusivity by accepting other Islamic schools of thought to foster better unity among the Muslims in the country.

Clause by clause by constitutional experts

According to constitutional law expert Dr Muhammad Hameedullah Md Asri of Universiti Malaya, Clause (4) of the same Article allows the State law, or in the case of Federal Territories, federal law to control or restrict the propagation of any religious doctrine or belief among persons professing the religion of Islam.

ā€œThis is akin to the freedom of speech, which too has a number of exceptions ā€“ it is not absolute freedom.

Some parties have said that the Bill is unconstitutional and threatens to undermine individual freedoms and human rights.

Constitutional experts say what is being proposed is to consolidate all matters related to Mufti and his institution into a single Act which will apply only to the Federal Territories.

They explain that although the Federal Constitution does guarantee freedom of religion under Article 11(1), there are provisions for the states to oversee and control the practice and propagation of the Muslim faith itself.

Read it all here.....

posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 8:46 AM   0 comments
Will DAP support FT Mufti Bill? By Commander S THAYAPARAN (Retired) Royal Malaysian Navy

Malaysiakini : ā€œIn order to be a part of the totalitarian mindset, it is not necessary to wear a uniform or carry a club or a whip. It is only necessary to wish for your own subjection and to delight in the subjection of others.ā€

- Author Christopher Hitchens

COMMENT | Rational Malaysians should be rightly afraid of the proposed Federal Territories Mufti Bill, which will get its day in Parliament soon.

Any time a religious law is introduced into the legislative body, it makes it easier for religious agendas to dominate how the country is run. It is as simple as that.

Latheefa Koya, in her must-read piece about this proposed bill, which in essence is merely a religious power grab by the Madani state, issues this chilling warning - ā€œIt will give power to the government through the mufti to control or police every aspect of the life of Muslims in this country. No government should have such powers over its people in a democracy, purportedly under the guise of religion.ā€

Sisters in Islam (SIS), which the Selangor state fatwa committee labelled as deviant (SIS last year obtained a Federal court leave to appeal the issue), said this - ā€œWithout oversight and recourse for appeals or legal challenges, the unchecked powers of institutions or figures directly undermine the rule of law and justice.ā€

Read it all here.........
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 8:26 AM   0 comments
Mufti bill won't turn M'sia into Islamic state - minister (Malaysia's Propaganda Minister)
Sunday, October 13, 2024
Goebbels Malaysia

Malaysiakini : Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil today rebutted a claim by 14 groups based in Sabah and Sarawak that the Mufti (Federal Territories) Bill 2024 will turn Malaysia into an Islamic state.

According to Fahmi, the bill closely mirrors the Sabah Fatwa Enactment which has been in force for the past 20 years.

Despite having a similar law to the proposed bill for two decades, he pointed out that it has never disrupted the cultures and lifestyles of Sabahans.

ā€œSabah has not experienced any changes in religious practices or freedom for non-Muslims. We still witness events and celebrations such as Tadau Kaamatan being observed, which I attended this year.

Me : Remember when PMX became the PM, first thing he did was convert a Hindu with great fanfare. Second thing he did was bullied an Indian student who was asking him about the Apartheid like policy in Malaysia. So many lies and broken promises whatever happened to the promise on price of petrol and anak China anak saya, anak India anak saya and all the bullshit  he spewed when wanted our votes, even spitting on the Veterans pensions streamlining!

vmsians : The real intention of the bill as admitted by Fahmi..."the mufti's position will have more constitutional and legal order in the country "...Fahmi, the Federal Constitution is SECULAR, UNDERSTAND !!!!

Dr Suresh Kumar : First it was RM1.9 billion funds to Jakim. Why such megabucks, a king's ransom allotted to a religious body, if not to empower them to play a bigger role in running of the country or something else? Can you imagine how many hospitals and schools could be built with that kind of money.

Then came the proposal for Jakim to be involved in state policy matters. And now this. All this points to a systematic and cunning plan by Madani to turn Malaysia into a theocratic state. He is not a man of science. What to expect from a Malay/Islamic studies graduate? The world is preparing to move forward towards the 5th Industrial Revolution, AI, robotics, IoT, etc but we have a leader who seems hell bent on pushing us backward.

With due deference to my Muslim brethren, I have nothing against your religion, but I am against mixing religion and politics, which is a combustible mixture. Today, we are witnessing the devastating effects on countries that mix religion and politics to control the people. Do the Malaysian Muslims want that? Do the Malaysian Muslims want their lives to be controlled by the state like Iran?

Or do then Malaysian Muslims want to embrace Science and Technology and become a knowledgeable society while keeping their faith intact? The ball is in their court. As for non-Muslims, do not for a second think that these laws will not infringe on your rights, it will, there are enough instances and incidents that we have witnessed and are witnessing. This is Anwar and his brand of 'REFORMASI' for you.

Read the rest of the article and the 113 scathing comments here, please share this with one and all in Malaysia.......This Fahmi is running cover for PMX.

posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 5:07 PM   0 comments
President Trump California Rally 10/12/24 FULL
You guys need to send his sorry arse to jail after investigating him. Same shit that they did to Trump. Do you all remember the beer summit with the traffic cop and the black professor. I announced that he was the father of racists. Everyone thrashed me for that. I am a brown guy!

ā€œWHO AM I VOTING FOR - AND WHY?!!ā€ That moment when someone says, "I can't believe you would vote for Trump.ā€ I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech. I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.

I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Iā€™m voting for the continued growth of my retirement and reducing inflation. Iā€™m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to Americaā€™s involvement in foreign conflicts. I'm voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.

I'm voting for the Police to be respected once again and to ensure Law & Order. I am tired of all the criminals having a revolving door and being put back in the street. Iā€™m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Iā€™m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world. Iā€™m voting for secure borders and have legal immigration. I canā€™t believe we have actually have flown millions illegal immigrants into our country. I'm voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens.

I'm voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this Country to give the American people their freedoms. Iā€™m voting for peace progress in the Middle East. Iā€™m voting to fight against human/child trafficking. I'm voting for Freedom of Religion. I'm voting for the right to speak what I think is right and not be censored.

"I hate your opinion but I'm ready to put my life away for your freedom to say it". Voltaire I'm voting for the freedom of future generations . I'm voting against communism. "Communist system can be recognized by the fact it spares criminals and criminalizes political opponent". Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

I'm voting for saying "Merry Christmas" again with joy and warmth. I'm voting for singing National Anthem with the hand on our hearts instead of kneeling. What are you voting for? Trump/Vance2024 šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

God bless you, Trump, and your family. You will clean our dirty government!
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 5:07 PM   0 comments
Berak Obumer just DESTROYED her campaign... Reaction!

Americans all, my white, black, and hispanic brothers together - TRUMP2024! Thank you Obama for opening my eyes, im voting Trump all the way. It is not working anymore, Obama go home, this man, Obama, doesn't want to lose his next term!!
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 4:08 PM   0 comments
It's HAPPENING! Everything Is BREAKING for Trump!!!

I'm Mexican turned into an American citizen came in 1977, you know only a fool would vote for Commiemala, I will vote for Donald J Trump best President ever.

74 year old women here. Iā€™ve never seen such a mess of an election. A party that preaches and preaches democracy and they have a presidential candidate who has never received one vote by her party to run for office. Please donā€™t get complacent thinking Trump has it wrapped up. Vote red we must make it to big to rig like they are so good at doing. Trump!

71 here and totally agree with you! I have NEVER seen such bad politics in all my life! We must vote because it has never been more important! Vote Trump!
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 3:59 PM   0 comments
Obamaā€™s racism on full display as he spoke to black Harris campaign workers in Pittsburgh yesterday
Saturday, October 12, 2024

BCF : As a complement to Andrea Widburgā€™s look back at the history of Barack Obamaā€™s insensitivity, crudeness, and racism over the years in her excellent blog at American Thinker today, here is the transcript of some of what he said in a private encounter with approximately forty mostly- or all-black Harris for president campaign workers at a Democrat headquarters in Pittsburgh yesterday.

posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 5:56 PM   0 comments
Black Chicago Voters DESTROY Kamala Harris! "We Vote TRUMP!"
Black voters in Chicago, Illinois, absolutely destroyed Kamala Harris when asked the question "Trump or Kamala" at an area gas station. The clerk, most likely of some foreign nationality, filmed himself asking customers who they were voting for...She's not black 1st off. And Obama needs to mind his business.

Remember, folks, Harris was NOT nominated, she was installed, like a toilet. If Trump wins - we can troll the democrats and say that Black men saved the country. I'm voting for Trump because I am not fond of defunding police, abolishing ICE, banning fracking, illegal immigration, terrorist attacks on American soil, banning guns, price controls, inflation, high taxes, persecuting political opponents, speech censorship, biased propaganda reporting, World War Ill, and attempts on political opponents life. It shouldn't be this hard to decide who is the better option.

Not One Black Man in America should vote for Kamala Harris. Trump 2024.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 12:38 PM   0 comments
Obama MELTDOWN After Black Men REFUSE to Support Kamala!
Trump 2024, I'm black. I'm a full republican no more democrats. Black Americans don't get played by Obama again ! He is a total narcissist. So tired of his BS. Listening to him makes me sick to my stomach!

He's pissed cause he found out black people have brains and can decide for themselves. Why doesn't Obama help the black community with all those hundreds of millions he has? So sick of his high and mighty attitude. This fake black man played in our face for 8 years and this Indian lady will not have the opportunity to do the same. Democrats been calling Trump Hitler for 8 years now, so for Obama to up there blaming Republicans for today's divisive society takes some nerve.

Go back to Martha Vineyard to your 30 million dollar mansion. Bye!!!
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 12:31 PM   0 comments
Unbelievably HUGE Crowd in Aurora, CO as Trump FIGHTS to Win Blue States
Trump just held a HIGH ENERGY rally in Aurora, CO. Though Colorado is considered a "safe, deep blue state," Trump drew one of his largest crowds yet. Iā€™m a native of Colorado and as a 75 plus black woman Iā€™ve been saying Colorado is a RED STATE! Makes me happy! Trump 2024šŸ™šŸ¾
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 12:23 PM   0 comments
When all else fails in the Kamala Harris campaign, rein in the country's worst race baiter, Berak Hussein Obummer to help

If Trump said that racist comment it would be a disaster how can Obama say that about black men. How insulting! If trump said BROTHERS it would be racist. How can Barack say such an insulting comment. Kamala Harris has HUGE HANDS. I know she is always using them when she speaks. I never realized how huge they were until this VOGUE photo.

posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 12:04 PM   0 comments
Trump Requests Military Security Amid Major Iranian Threats
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 11:36 AM   0 comments
FT Mufti Bill will turn Mā€™sia into Islamic state overnight - groups

Malaysiakini : The Mufti (Federal Territories) Bill 2024 would turn Malaysia into an Islamic state overnight, several groups from East Malaysia claimed today.

According to Borneo Post Online, 14 Sarawak- and Sabah-based groups also said that the bill violates the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) and constitutes a direct attack on the nationā€™s secular system. ā€œWe in Sabah and Sarawak strongly oppose the proposed mufti bill that seeks to expand the powers of the mufti in the Federal Territories.

ā€œWe firmly reject any move to be ruled by the mufti, as this would effectively sideline the constitutional monarchy, the Madani government and the secular parliamentary democracy that Malaysia is built upon. ā€œSuch a change would transform Malaysia into an Islamic state overnight,ā€ they added.

Among the NGO leaders that signed the joint statement are Borneoā€™s Plight in Malaysia Foundation president Daniel John Jambun, Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand president Robert Pei, Saya Anak Sarawak founder Peter John Jaban, Republic Sabah North Borneo president Mosses Paul Anap Ampang, Parti Bumi Kenyalang president Voon Lee Shan, and Gabungan Orang Asal Sabah Sarawak Dayak cultural ambassador Themothy Jagak.

Earlier today, Bernama reported Minister in the Prime Ministerā€™s Department (Islamic Affairs) Mohd Naā€™im Mokhtar said that the Mufti (Federal Territories) Bill will be tabled for second and third reading in the Parliament session beginning on Oct 14.

Minister in the Prime Ministerā€™s Department (Islamic Affairs) Mohd Naā€™im Mokhtar

ā€œThis has been approved by the cabinet. The bill aims to strengthen the institution of fatwa in the Federal Territories of Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur, and Labuan,ā€ he was reported as saying. The first reading of the bill was conducted in July. This is one of three bills concerning Islamic affairs being presented for amendment.

In addition, the bill seeks to establish the definition of Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah in accordance with the Al-Asyairah and Al-Maturidiah theological schools. The bill had been panned by several quarters, including Perlis ruler Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail, who described it as carrying a ā€œnarrow definitionā€ of Sunni Islam and not being inclusive.

Perlis ruler Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail

Yesterday, womenā€™s rights group Sisters in Islam said the proposed legislation would give unbridled powers to religious authorities as it would, among others, provide them with legal immunity.

ā€˜Bureaucratisation of Islamā€™

On that note, the groups said the bill is also opposed by Muslims who are concerned that ā€œthe bill marks a more explicit sectarian turn in the bureaucratisation of Islam since the 2000s, aiming to institutionalise Sunni Ashā€™arism as the state-sanctioned version of Islamā€. They opined that the politicisation of ideologies ā€œwill foster intolerance and radicalism by promoting dehumanising values and undermining democracyā€.

ā€œThese actions constitute direct attacks on the secular system, which was a fundamental guarantee to Sabah and Sarawak when Malaysia, and also the Malayan Federation, was set up. ā€œThe cumulative effect of these breaches highlights a pattern of erosion of the constitutional safeguards that were intended to protect the pluralistic and secular nature of the federation.ā€

Impact on Muslims and non-Muslims

According to them, the bill would grant sweeping powers to the mufti, enabling the issuance of religious decrees that could have significant impacts on both Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

Such decrees, they added, could bypass the authority of Parliament and courts - effectively placing religious law above civil law while on the other hand, the mufti have no jurisdiction in Parliament as they are not elected representatives of the people.

ā€œSabah and Sarawak should assert their right to self-determination, as a violation of their rights under the federation has shone a light on the importance of allocating 35 percent of seats in the Dewan Rakyat to the states - a principle rooted in constitutional and historical obligations to safeguard East Malaysian interests.

GreenEagle8114 : Mahathir was right all along, Anwar's not suitable to be PM. He's a bait & switch politician, who promised democratic reforms but actually wants to 'reform' this country into a theocratic state. And DAP has been quiet as a mouse, acquiescing along with his foolhardiness. Anwar's administration is even more radical than a PN government. Give PH a message at the next GE that they won't forget!

MS : As I have always maintained, the Madani Manipulator is more dangerous to the diminishing future of Malaysia, more than all the worst of his predecessors combined. He is hell bent on turning the country into a rabid theocracy in line with his subversive beliefs. Unless the Conference of Rulers steps in to avert the debacle in the making, there is no hope left for the country.

Dr Suresh Kumar : For decades LKS and DAP used to attack MCA and MIC in and out of Parliament for failing to rein in UMNO for their unbridled corruption, nepotism, cronyism, extremism, racism and divisive policies. Now that they are in the government, they are quiet like a dead mouse with their tails between their legs. To put it in a crude manner-like a eunuch. If DAP takes pot shot at MCA, MIC or Gerakan hereafter, we should spit on DAP's face. Shame on DAP!

ā€œYet even this has been undermined, leaving the regions vulnerable to domination by the more populous Malaya,ā€ they added.

posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 10:52 AM   0 comments
Our Generals Were Full Of Self Interest & Shit - They never bothered about our soldiers when in the Majlis Angkatan Tentera
Friday, October 11, 2024
Now our poor soldiers are paying the price for their negligence and their "tidak apa attitude and tak akan tak ada apa apa?" Those who retired before 2013.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 5:27 PM   0 comments
Mufti Bill will give religious authorities unchecked power - SIS

Wannabe Mullah

Malaysiakini : Passing the Mufti (Federal Territories) Bill 2024 will give religious authorities unbridled power as they will be immune to legal action, said Sisters In Islam (SIS).

In a statement, the womenā€™s rights group said this would cause religious authorities to be shielded from accountability. ā€œWithout oversight and recourse for appeals or legal challenges, the unchecked powers of institutions or figures directly undermine the rule of law and justice.

ā€œAdditionally, the bill seeks to entrench religious control over both the public and private lives of Malaysian Muslims, further complicating the relationship between personal religious freedom and state-sanctioned restrictions,ā€ said SIS.

The Dewan Rakyat reconvenes next Monday (Oct 14) for its third session this year to deliberate and pass laws such as this. Last month, Minister in the Prime Ministerā€™s Department (Religious Affairs) Mohd Naā€™im Mokhtar (above) said the government would proceed with the billā€™s second and third readings on Oct 16 or 17.

In July, Raja of Perlis Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Putra Jamalullail reportedly expressed concern over the billā€™s ā€œnarrow definitionā€ and said he objected to the Conference of Rulersā€™ name being used to endorse it.

Raja of Perlis Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Putra Jamalullail

Binding fatwas

Meanwhile, Bangi MP Syahredzan Johan said recently that the bill would not result in binding fatwas nationwide as issuing a fatwa involves the Fatwa Committee and the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

ā€œIssuing a fatwa under the bill is also not just based on whims and fancies of the muftiā€¦ Malay rulers have and will continue to have the final say on matters of Islam,ā€ he said.

However, SIS said the bill blurs the lines between gazetted and ungazetted fatwa as Section 11 makes all such rulings legally binding. This will apply to all Muslims in the federal territories, not just Muslims residing there, it noted.

The group added that the bill does not clarify if Muslims are allowed to depart from fatwa due to personal observance, belief, or opinion. ā€œThus, does a fatwa constitute law?

ā€œIf so, why is an unelected body or individual being granted the power beyond the democratic remits to create binding laws that aļ¬€ect the personal and religious lives of millions of Muslims in the Federal Territories?ā€ it said.

Oppression of minorities

SIS also demanded clarification on Section 30(1), which would allow mufti to impose fees for services. Additionally, Section 32 provides mufti with protection against suits and legal proceedings.

ā€œAt a time of high public distrust against institutions or causes related to Islam and vulnerable persons/communities where monies are concerned, it is untenable for individual religious figures to be given carte blanche, especially with a legislative mandate, to make decisions that aļ¬€ect the lives of millions of Muslims in the federal territories,ā€ it said.

Besides that, the group said passing the bill could lead to the oppression of minority Muslims and non-Muslims through the creation of legal frameworks that discriminate against certain religious practices or beliefs.

ā€œIf this bill is allowed to pass, Malaysiaā€™s standing in the global community could be compromised, with international organisations and human rights bodies taking note of the sharp decline in religious freedom and the rise of authoritarianism in religious governance.

ā€œThe bill sends a clear message that Malaysia is moving away from its commitment to human rights and constitutional protections,ā€ it added

posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 5:27 PM   0 comments
Why you should be worried about the FT Mufti Bill by Mariam Mokhtar

Malaysiakini : COMMENT | Being a Muslim used to be so easy. One believed in Allah and observed the five pillars of Islam to lead oneā€™s life as a good and responsible Muslim.

Today, conservative Muslims and wannabe clerics do the religious equivalent of blinding one with science. They litter their speeches with Arabic and line their policies with tongue-twisting theological phrases, to convince the masses that they are super religious or brilliant.

Nothing could be further from the truth. It is doubtful that many Malays can comprehend what they are saying, and some Malaysians would probably agree that quantum mechanics would be easier to understand. On July 2, one of the most oppressive bills to be tabled in Parliament, the Federal Territories Mufti Bill 2024, had its first reading in the Dewan Rakyat.

Mohd Naā€™im Mokhtar

The Minister in the Prime Ministerā€™s Department (Religious Affairs) Mohd Naā€™im Mokhtar introduced the bill and unsurprisingly, few of us paid any attention to it. This is probably because every other day, at least one religious issue will dominate the news, despite there being more important priorities to focus on.

Sweeping powers

Next week, the bill will have its second and third reading in Parliament, before it is voted on and made into law. This time, it must not escape our intense scrutiny yet again. When it was first tabled, few of us were aware. Had Muslim MPs been lobbied to support this oppressive bill, while non-Muslim MPs had no clue what it was all about?

You should be worried about this bill because it represents a fundamental attack on our personal freedom and our democracy. If passed, the bill will give unprecedented sweeping powers to unelected officials to dictate what we can, or cannot do.

Enslaved by religion

Months earlier, the Umno Baru Youth leader, Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh warned non-Muslims not to interfere with Islamic matters.

So, were the halal issues at the time, being used as a smokescreen for laying the groundwork to silence any opposition by non-Muslim MPs towards this controversial bill? Naā€™im, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, and Bangi MP Syahredzan Johan, are trying to make out that the bill is relatively harmless.

Malaya may have achieved Merdeka 67 years ago, but Muslims are still enslaved by religion. The Malay mind is mummified and shaped by ignorance and dogma, while the non-Malays have been browbeaten into submission and silence. The government will attempt to push this bill before the rakyat realises how serious the matter is. These are the worst bits of the bill.

The bill is unconstitutional and our blind submission to it will mean that we transition from a democracy to authoritarian rule in Malaysia. The bill is divisive, it gives unelected people, like the muftis, whose qualifications we do not know, absolute control over our lives. Will the muftis have more power than the king when it comes to religious matters?

Interpretation of fatwa

Although we know that a fatwa is merely an opinion, this is after all Malaysia, and the fatwa will be interpreted according to the whims of these muftis. They will have over-arching powers to sanction anyone whom they think has broken the fatwa. The fatwa will be set in stone just like any law that has been passed.

At the same time, the same unelected muftis will be immune from prosecution. What sort of governance is this? Lives may be destroyed, but these muftis will escape punishment. When one state adopts it, others will follow suit, including Sarawak and Sabah.

You may not think it, but the bill will have serious consequences because it is a clash between two sets of laws, civil and syariah. In 1988, two significant amendments to Article 1216 of the Federal Constitution were made. Our supreme law is the Federal Constitution, but ever since 1988, the powers and jurisdiction of the syariah courts have slowly been expanded beyond the limits permitted by the Constitution.

In October 2024, the syariah courts will overstep their boundaries yet again, and the civil courts will be powerless to stop them because of the way Article 121(1A) has been interpreted.

Non-Muslims also impacted

Despite what the non-Muslims will have been told, the bill will affect us all, both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Putra Jamalullail

There are some notable critics of this bill besides Sisters in Islam and some high-profile lawyers. Perlis ruler Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Putra Jamalullail objected to the use of the Council of Rulersā€™ name to support the bill. Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, another critic, warned about Sunni sectarianism and that ā€œrigidity would lead to fanaticism and hatred between the people and the governmentā€.

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang wanted the bill to be reviewed and he criticised the need for an ā€œofficialā€ Islamic strain. When the Perlis ruler objected, Anwar said the experts would deliberate on the matter.

Controlling dissent

In 21st-century Malaysia, this is how the rakyat is kept strictly in line. Politicians control dissent by bullying us with draconian laws, while the muftis claim to save our souls via fire-and-brimstone sermons, promises of rewards in heaven, and threats of endless punishment in hell.

In a nutshell, both politicians and clergy carve up the nation for themselves. They enter into a marriage of convenience because they need one another to maintain their hold on power, and specifically to control you. We thought that Naā€™im was one of the more ā€œprogressiveā€ syariah judges. We were wrong.

Was Naā€™im under instruction to implement this bill as part of the bigger plan to Islamise Malaysia? Or is the FT Mufti Bill 2024 part of Anwarā€™s unfinished business? Is he merely completing what he started in 1982 but was unable to finalise because he was ousted from office in 1998?

Koel : By all accounts this is a backward step as Mariam says to allow the muftis and politicians total control. Overnight, rules will be introduced - and it will be for the worse. People need to urge their MPs to stop the bill. Sabah and Sarawak, please step up. This will hit you as well.

It is not too late to stop this bill.

posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 5:21 PM   0 comments
2nd Lt Tong (far right) together with brother officers at the 7 Ranger retraining programmes.

Dear PMX,

This is an open communication from my heart, and also on behalf of my brothers at arms, to you, your cabinet and the government. We, the brave veterans in this nation, are an ignored lot. I say this with full conviction.

The very nation that we served and protected during the best years of our lives. Upon attestation, we took a solemn oath, that we still uphold till the day we die, unlike other public servants, including politicians, who failed in this aspect. This can be clearly seen in the cases of corruption and dereliction of duty.

WE SIGNED A BLANK CHEQUE, IN BLOOD, accepting to be in harm's way. Yes, our service is voluntary, as we do not have compulsory service or conscription. Our career is noble, fraught with uncertainties and of course dangerous and uncomfortable. Yet, we soldiered on, with strong commitment, determination and a sense of love for the nation. We stood stoicly for GOD, KING AND COUNTRY!

That figure inflated to be RM115.00 per month in 1996 as seen in this unclaimed cheque - Chicken feed

Time and time again we endured separation from loved ones, ensuring with our abilities to defend the sovereignty of our beloved nation. From political decisions, we went, unquestioninglly to serve under the auspices of the United Nations, making Malaysia proud, from the Congo in the sixties, till today in Lebanon ( close to an impending catastrophic war.)

Price of Patriotism

Imagine our day in a trench, in pouring rain, eating instant noodles, to the next day in full military mess kit dining with our King ( who is by constitution, our Supreme Commander) Such is the spectrum and nature of military service. I hope with the preceding explanation, I have given a crystal clear picture of ourselves. Now, as all others in public service, we retire, get old, but never die...we only fade away.

For those who survive and receive a hard earned pension, life is a roller coaster. For those who sacrificed their lives in the course of combat fatalities, they leave behind loved ones, who have certain entitlements too. We remember them each and every year with the highest of gratitude and throw a smart salute military style. For they gave their lives so that we have ours. Sound familiar???

Coming to the crunch of matters. We were shortchanged when salaries were revised in 2013, but pensioners got a raw deal. The veterans, (or rather some brave and determined ones) looked to the courts for justice and got it somewhat. But, what did the government do? It appealed against the judgment in our favour and the matter is now in the Court of Appeal. Well done! It's your legal right, you may say. I do agree, but look back a little.

The previous defence minister, who is still in your cabinet, in parliament stated when asked about the pensions issue, that it's in the courts and the government shall abide by the court judgement. Now it's a different story. Never mind lah, parliamentary immunity etc.etc.

You don't necessarily mean what you say kan? Votes matter, not words kan? Be very clear, we are not beggars, but proud veterans. All we are asking is our rightful pensions, not a wishy-washy civilian type solution. WE ARE CITIZENS, VETERANS, NOT CIVILIANS!

You recently, and very eloquently addressed a large audience stating those who stole public funds and amassed wealth to return it to the people. Good luck with that. Well, we, veterans can ironically ask you to return our " stolen" pensions. Boleh kan? I have also always wondered whether we got our UN Peacekeeping allowances fully or a "haircut" happened. Maybe, some transparency needed here?

Finally Sir,

I now summarise the details:

1. The lot of us left in the lurch are way beyond our 60s, some passing away week after week. In 10 to 15 years all will be gone, survived, maybe, by widows and war widows. Yes, don't forget them too, their spouses died in service.

2. For those who retired before 2013, give out the arrears to date. Even by installments is acceptable, not simply ignored.

3. Restore our pensions to current account, not fancy formula.

4. We have been punished enough, don't punish our widows too, who stand alone at last.

5. Yes, it's a matter of money too, and also dignity. Do you know how many officers are in the B40 group??? When commissioned, we were told we are Division 1 government officers. Not to travel on buses, motorbikes, but cars and taxis. How strange, we ended up in the lower echelons of society?

6. Don't say no money, not in budget. It's KWAP money, all there. Even a kleptocrat siphoned it.

7. No more " akan dibincang, dalam proses dll lagi". Fix it or Fake it. It's all up to your reform agenda. Kill this issue once and for all and earn a veteran's respect, or otherwise earn his displeasure. This is military language. I say no more. Salam Sejahtera.






posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 4:28 PM   0 comments
Black Democrat GOES OFF On Obama SHAMING Black Men For REFUSING To Support Kamala Harris!
Enough Nigger, enough Nigger he says that to Berak Obummer.

Donā€™t care what Obama says, Iā€™m voting for Trump. Black Trump Supporter here! Black Christians for Ti sit with my crew at work, white, black and hispanic MEN, and we all love and support Donald Trump. We are actually coming together as never before. Trump!!! Let's go Trump 2024 !!!!!!!!

I voted for Obama once. One of the biggest mistakes of my life. Trump 2024. Obama's gas lighting is annoying. I have no respect for him. Iā€™m a ā€œBlack Trump Supporterā€ because I donā€™t want to live under socialism or communism. Now. Letā€™s see if the big girl with the braids can figure that out. My income was stagnant under Obama. It doubled under Trump and economy was booming. He canā€™t claim that with his policies!

Obama taking credit for Trump economy is gold.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 4:25 PM   0 comments
I Am NOT Falling For Kamala Harris shit - The puppet Master Berak Obummer is panicking
Kamala Harris is the queen of flip-flopping her positions and giving word salad non-answers to tough questions, so I thought I would dig up all the receipts I could find to fact check every lie sheā€™s told. You might want to share this one. Letā€™s get into it.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 4:18 PM   0 comments
Special Ops: Lioness
Thursday, October 10, 2024
"Sacrificial Soldiers" - Things go awry for Joe and her team during a mission out in the field; Joe is left devastated. Upon her return home, Joe's family life presents it's own challenges. Cruz tries to escape a dangerous situation. Joe must choose a new recruit. Worth watching every minute of your time.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 2:45 PM   0 comments
Unconstitutional FT Mufti Bill must be withdrawn By Latheefa Koya

Are Anthony Loke and the DAP in cahoots with Sheikh Madani to implement this?

Malaysiakini : COMMENT | I refer to the Mufti (Federal Territories) Bill 2024, which is to be tabled when Parliament opens on Monday.

This bill has serious implications and consequences for Muslims in this country. Firstly, clause 4(1) of the bill makes the mufti the ā€œchief authorityā€ on matters of Islamic law in the Federal Territories, next to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

This derogates from the position of the king as the head of Islam in Malaysia as provided for in Articles 3(5) and 34(1) of the Federal Constitution. There cannot be two ā€œchief authoritiesā€ on Islamic matters in the Federal Territories.

Under this new law, the mufti can, through the issuance of binding fatwas, interfere in the daily life of Muslims and their right to practice their religion according to the Quran and Hadith. The mufti is appointed upon the advice of the minister, and therefore the federal government will obtain wide power and authority over every aspect of the religious practices of Muslims in this country once the bill is law.

This is not the role envisaged for the federal government under our Constitution. It is against the basic structure of our Constitution and, thus, unconstitutional.

Unfettered powers

The mechanism of control is the unprecedented new type of fatwa provided in clause 11 of this bill. It prescribes that a fatwa issued by the mufti as chairperson of the Fatwa Committee ā€œshall be bindingā€ on every Muslim. There is no exception or qualification.

This is a huge departure from the current legal position of fatwas, where Section 34(3) of the Administration of Islamic Law (Federal Territories) 1993 contains an exception for departure from a fatwa in matters of personal observance, belief or opinion.

The edict of a mufti under the proposed bill is iron-clad and immutable. Consequently, the offences already enumerated in the Syariah Criminal Offences (Federal Territories) Act 1997 may be widened by the operation of the Mufti (FT) Bill 2024 to cover almost every aspect of a Muslimā€™s social, economic and political life.

In other words, any fatwa on any aspect made by the mufti can potentially give rise to an offence under the Syariah Criminal Offences (FT) Act 1997. Thus, the bill will lead to the unfettered increase of the types or categories of offences enforceable against Muslims.

All this has far-reaching consequences for the country. While this bill is confined to the Federal Territories, similar laws are bound to be adopted throughout the states.

It will give power to the government through the mufti to control or police every aspect of the life of Muslims in this country. For example, what Muslims wear, where they eat, who they associate with or how they interact with fellow Malaysians may all be subject to such fatwas, which will be enforceable. No government should have such powers over its people in a democracy, purportedly under the guise of religion.

Blank cheque for unelected official

To make things worse, by clause 8(b), the mufti may, on his own ā€œinitiativeā€ without any direction from the Agong, issue fatwas. This is a blank cheque given to the mufti, who is an unelected official, to govern and direct the lives of Muslims.

Clause 7(2) of the bill also provides for a representative from the Attorney-Generalā€™s Chambers ā€œwho is a Muslimā€ to sit on the Fatwa Committee. It is shocking to see such a clause in a federal bill presented by the government; 67 years after Merdeka, they still divide us by religion and race.

It is in breach of Article 8 of the Federal Constitution for any appointment from a federal body such as the AGC to be reserved to a person of a particular religion.

It is also plainly absurd, as the Bill itself will be debated and voted upon by non-Muslim MPs in the Dewan Rakyat as well as Muslim MPs. In conclusion, this Mufti Bill poses a clear and present danger to the right of Muslims in Malaysia to practice their religion and carry on daily life without interference from the government or unelected religious officials.

I urge the government to withdraw this bill for further consideration and throw out the offending clauses. If the government attempts to proceed with the reading and debate of the bill in Parliament next week, MPs must, in good conscience, overwhelmingly reject the bill. In this regard, the silence and timidity of the DAP and Sabah and Sarawak MPs on this bill is greatly disappointing.

I urge them to act for the good of the people and to uphold the Constitution, as they have sworn to do.

posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 1:30 PM   0 comments

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