I hadn’t heard from Dr Jasser in a good while. I wrote about his views here in the December 2017 issue of Quadrant magazine (“Reformist Pipedreams, Islamic Reality, and Muslim Accountability”). Alas, he obviously didn’t read my article, remains divorced from reality and, sadly, as ignorant as ever.
I will come to his views further on. First to Levin. He was talking
about the events in New Orleans and generally about the threat of
Islamic terrorism and said: “We are not talking about all Muslims. Why
would we?” This obligatory caveat is inserted into the lines of all
conservative commentators when they are on air discussing or debating
Islamic terrorism or Islamic hate preaching. I assume they have no
choice in the matter. Gotta say it to stay on air. I don’t buy it.
Rabble rousers need a mob. To extend that concept. Hamas could not
thrive unless a sizeable proportion of Gazans supported them. Let me
turn it around. If you’re club’s constitution allows its members to
refer to Jews as pigs and apes, is it still okay to sip your gin sling
in the club bar?
Muslims all belong to a religion whose constitution (i.e., scripture)
is hateful towards Jews in particular and towards all non-believers in
general. Keep in mind, religious affiliation is a choice, at least in
non-Islamic countries. It is not like race or ethnicity which can’t be
changed. Therefore the choice of following Islam is open to criticism.
And, however peaceful and moderate you are, signing up to a creed which
entertains discrimination and violence gives spiritual succour to those
who act out that discrimination and violence. As to that antisemitic
club I mentioned above, you need to resign your membership lest you be
justifiably tarred by association. Now to Dr Jasser.
Jasser is an American Muslim of Syrian parents, a practicing
physician, a former officer in the US Navy and, so far as I can tell, an
all-round (if wide-eyed) good guy. He is the Founder and President of
the American Islamic Forum for Democracy and Co-Founder of the Muslim Reform Movement
(MRM). He wants to change Islam (hook, line, and sinker) from what it
is to what he would like it to be. To rid Islam of the bad bits — what
he calls Islamism or political Islam. Without a shadow of doubt, he is
an unrivalled fantasiser.
In 2015, Jasser along with another twelve disenchanted Muslims or
former Muslims, from across North America and Europe, signed and pinned a
copy of a two-page MRM “Declaration” to the doors of the Islamic Centre in Washington DC; à la Martin Luther and the Castle Church in Wittenberg.
However, unlike Luther’s ninety-five theses, the MRM’s Declaration
died abandoned in a ditch. Unsurprisingly! From an Islamic standpoint it
is heresy on stilts. It has no comparability with Luther’s modest aim
of ridding the Catholic Church of indulgences as payment for sins. This
is where Jasser’s ignorance shows itself. As, did Aayan Hirsi Ali’s in
her book Heretic (2015). They both seem to believe that the Protestant Reformation revolutionised Christianity. It did no such thing.
Luther simply wanted the Church to act more in keeping with scripture
and with Saint Paul’s injunction that we could not gain redemption
through our own works but through the grace of God alone. The
Reformation subsequently produced geo-political effects but did not
change, nor did it seek to change, any of the essential elements of the
Christian faith. And it has not done so. The Bible remains the same,
word for word.
In stark contrast with Luther’s limited objective, each of the
propositions in the MRM Declaration (some 25 or so all told) strike at
the heart of Islam. I have randomly picked out four of them to
illustrate how they conflict with extracts from the Koran (Pickthall
“We support equal rights and dignity for all people, including minorities.”
So, choose not friends from among
them [disbelievers]…if they turn back to enmity [apostates] then take
them and kill them wherever ye find them, and choose no friend or helper
from among them (4:89) Slay the idolaters wherever ye find them (9.5)
Mohammed is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard against
the disbelievers and merciful among themselves (48:29)
“We reject violent jihad.”
I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite their necks and smite of them each finger (8:12)
“Every individual has the right to publicly express criticism of Islam.”
Those who disbelieve… are a folk
without intelligence (8:65) Fight against those who have been given the
scripture as believe not…until they pay the tribute [jizya] readily,
being brought low (9:29)
“We support equal rights for women, including equal rights to inheritance.”
Men are in charge of women…good women
are obedient…As for those who you fear rebellion…banish them to beds
apart and scourge them (4:34) And call to witness, from among men, two
witnesses. And if two men be not at hand then a man and two women
(2:282) Allah chargeth you concerning the provision for your children:
to the male the equivalent of the portion of two females (4:11)
It would be possible to go on and on. The discordance between the
Declaration and Islamic scripture is vast. Jasser likely still has his
head because he is not taken seriously by any imam, mufti, or ayatollah.
Once Islam is ridded of so-called Islamism nothing much remains. It is
instructive to compare Jasser’s prescription with Hirsi Ali’s; which she
summarises as follows: