Just a Malaysian : Acting like a drunken sailor is better than fully clothe from head to toe but spewing poison and hatred from the little exposed mouth.
ADE 007 : Hey PN, nothing wrong in enjoying a nice alcoholic beverage. Intoxicated under the influence of alcohol and crossing the line is wrong. But you know what is more more more wrong ? Stealing from the RAKYAT, protecting corrupt leaders under the name of ummah, sexually abusing underage girls within the family and most importantly putting up a religious cleric show
Citizen of Malaysia : Fun Fact - Without drinking Carlsberg, pas MPs are drunk
Healer_MY : Halo, don't come and campur pasal with budaya of other races. Just stick to your own and mind your own business. We non's don't say anything about yours, right? So you also don't come and stick your busy body nose in ours.
Headhunter : Good one, Tiong. Go drink, sing and be merry and to hell with the holier-than-thou lot.
Anonymous 5035 : Mas Ermiyati, did Tiong play with you when he drank alcohol? Did he suggest that you go to Pulau Langkawi naked like your PN colleague, Suhaimi Abdullah? I presume he wasn't drunk when he uttered those despicable words to YB Teresa. So, looks like it's better to be drunk than to be despicably sober minded like Suhaimi.
Me : 16:67 - Dan dari buah tamar (kurma) dan anggur kamu jadikan daripadanya minuman haram dan makanan serta minuman yang halal; sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu terdapat satu tanda (yang membuktikan kekuasaan Allah) bagi orang-orang yang mahu menggunakan akalnya.
ScarletPuma5866 : He can drink 100 barrels if he wants, whether he gets drunk or not, that's not the point. What he needs to be accountable is when he break any law. It is none of anyone's business. Why busy body with others life? Remember, those who pretend suci, don't drink in Malaysia are the one that are most immoral, stealing billions, robbing the minorities! BS lah !
Just a Malaysian : Most non Muslims ceos drink and party but they build great companies, paying taxes, create employment and carrying out philanthropic activities. They have great family and successful children. We have many non drinkers Ceo running companies to the ground, asking billions for bail out, having trophies wives and children acting like rascals.
TTSH : Good for you Tiong, for giving her an earful. Why subject us to the Muslim way of life? This I cannot understand. We respect their culture and religion, but somehow they have to impose their idealogies on to NMs. Even for the Palestinian issue, the PMX wants others to stand in solidarity with them. For them, it is just a one-way traffic as they never want to accept the other races or make an effort to understand their cultures.
Koel : Syabas, MP Tiong. Best question of the week.
Mas Ermieyati might want to focus instead on the RM 505 million losses of taxpayer monies when the administration she was a part of bought non- functioning ventilators without any agreements. Go figure that out if you have nothing better to do, Mas.
Truly Malaysian : If we cannot do it ,you oso cannot do it?
Faham Tiong?
Thats how their minds work.
Like Puasa,I puasa you cannot eat in public because you are not respecting my sensitvities.
This is the only multi racial country in the world where the Nons have to bend down to the whims and fancies of a majority.
Adivi Panthi : : Why do you NOT understand that he is a Non Muslim, because he does NOT believe in your faith! He believes in drink and make merry. When you get drunk, you go to sleep, when you sleep, you commit no sin. When you commit no sin you go to heaven. So let's all get drunk and go to heaven. Capiche?