comes after Samsuri dismissed concerns over the sale of land to the
Khairunnisa’ Association, whose membership comprises wives of current
and former elected representatives from the state, as a “non-issue”.
a statement yesterday, the wing suggested that the state government
implement an open tender system to avoid the “perpetuation of cronyism”
under Samsuri’s (above) leadership.
It also demanded answers from the PAS-led Terengganu state government regarding the land sale. “What considerations were given for the reduction of premium payments
to a price that is 11 times cheaper than the original premium price?
“What practices or precedents led to a payment that is 58 times cheaper than the market price for the land? “When
Samsuri says that this is just a minor issue, is the sale of land owned
by the people to PAS-affiliated NGOs a common practice approved by
their leadership?” the wing asked.
From RM29.3m to RM500k
It was recently revealed that the state government allegedly sold a
sizeable plot of land measuring 11,299 square meters in Batas Baru at a
significantly reduced price compared to its estimated market value. According
to reports, the land was initially assessed to be worth RM29.3 million
but, shockingly, it was sold to Khairunnisa’ for a mere RM500,000.
Cowboy : Macc must nab the MB quickly and get the AGC to press charges. Compared to LGE case this is very much higher in value and put the latter case as insignificant. Hadi is now also implicated and PH should continue ride on their scandal.
Headhunter : Historically, sales of government owned land is just a scam to defraud the rakyat by corrupt politicians. We see this in every single state. Either that or they just help themselves and their cronies to these lands at dirt cheap price under the guise of development.
It's the easiest way to line their pockets because it is "legal".
The MACC should get busy.
Krabian : Now you know why Unity Govt don't want to hand over state development funds to incompetent PAS clowns.
Marriwala : This is the real Pas....only money matters religion is only during elections...they said all along PKR..bought the land ...suddenly when it's proved its Pas who sapu it....the MB says its a non issue
Coward : In Malaysia, all fishy transaction "complies" with the law because it went through "all the process" required by the law. That's always the justification given by those in power to say it is all well and proper?
Is it? As far as I can tell, manipulation of the process or procedure is normally what gets someone charged.
Take 1MDB for example, was all the legal procedure for transferring money followed to the letter, but yet people are charged and convicted because of the manipulation of the process.
So Terengganu MB, stop hiding behind procedural "correctness" (quotation intended), and start explaining why the land was let go at such a steep discount.