In most of the attacks, Harapan component DAP has been on the receiving end. In
a post on its Facebook page today, the Islamist party relayed its
"condolences" to Umno, for finally doing DAP's bidding by working
together in the government.
"Now the Umno grassroots have to
accept the fact that DAP cannot be 'disturbed' again. Umno members also
have to accept that communists are now the country's heroes, as preached
by DAP leaders.
"Umno, which once fought for the country's independence, has to now
help DAP rewrite the country's independence history. Congratulations
DAP, condolences to Umno," read the statement by PAS’ central committee.
The message further alleged that Umno is "forced" to submit to DAP as the latter has the highest seat count in Harapan.
choice has been made, positions have been offered, like it or not, Umno
has to accept and cater to DAP's wishes," PAS said, further alleging
that Umno leaders who voiced out against the party working with DAP have
been sidelined.
Leading the charge in PAS’ attacks is its president Abdul Hadi Awang (above, right), who last week accused DAP of promoting Islamophobia.
Krabian : What can Mooyiddin do? He has been reduced to just a pawn in the PAS chessboard.
Mooyiddin is more worry about the scrutinization of the RM600 billion Covid-19 disbursement funds during his rule.
JazliSalleh : We are sorry that PAS which was once an islamic party is prone to lying and hatemongering today which Islam despises. Under Hadi Islam's image had been tarnished. Hope Anwar, Umno, PKR and Amanah can help bring back and practice the true teachings of Islam as it ought to be than be hoodwinked by Hadi's pseudo beliefs.
coolhand : Moo has lost out to Lebai Hadi even in the opposition leadership. Just imagine what if they were in power!