So far 23,000 flood victims have been
evacuated but the situation continues to be dire for others, especially
in Terengganu and Kelantan.
"My siblings and others have been without food supply for three days now.
said) this is because assistance was given to places that were more
serious. Don't you want to help them? Please, I am begging," tweeted a netizen with the handle @sambawolf.
EyeInTheSky2022 : I sympathize with these people but why they keep voting for the same useless party who does not help year in year out.
IndigoKiwi9570 : PN & especially PAS is not bothered about the plight of the naive voters who keeps voting for them knowing fully well that whatever happens they will continue to get their votes. Thus why the opposition was more concerned to discuss DSAI's sexuality in today's parliamentary session.
BrownDove7179 : Where is Hadi, where is Tuan Ibrahim!!!!!!! Thought he loved his rakyat do much. Poor east coast rakyat. Kena TIPU KAW KAW AGAIN!!!!!!!!!
Iskandar cutie : Well kelantan and Terengganu folk should ask Hadi to hand over some of his millions … btw how’s Tuan Ibrahim’s Porsche moving around in the floods .. and the Mercedes’ Benz the rest of them bought … people in those states voted for this incompetence didn’t they
AdiviPanthi : This is what happens when you keep on voting for PAS, they have no interest in you but love their their Mercedes Benz's.
IronMan : Yep. Ask your Adun. Don't ask us Kerajaan kafir and Dap Komunis and Yahudi!!
Grow the country lah : Where is PAS State government ? Not their problem ?
SMzain : PN is busy plotting to overthrow the unity government, where got time for the poor flood victims 😢
OCT : It is surprising PAS local government is very quiet over this. Where are their MP and leaders. Most probably they are staying in Putrajaya, oblivious of the poor and bad situation in their states.
According to PAS, it is a test from God, pray more often for divine help. Year in and year out, nothing has been done to mitigate floods at Kelatan and Trengganu. The Rakyat is very happy with PAS. So business is as usual. No need to look for PAS as PAS has said look to God.
PinkMacaw3429 : Hadi, Tuan Mat and PAS leaders, where are all of you? Only few weeks ago during election campaign you promised to do everything for the people of Kelantan and Teranganu. What happened?
And to the people of Kelantan and Teranganu, I really feel sorry for you that PAS have let you down again.
But then comes next election, you all will still vote for PAS.
Koel : Hadi Awang, time for you and party to do some real work instead of petty insults and politicking. People stuck for 3 days without food. What are you doing about this?
Knucklehead : Ombak Hijau akan datang........................tunggu ye.
Patriot Malaya : Keep voting for PAS. You reap what you sow. Poor infrastructure and no development. No drainage or flood mitigation plan but you keep voting for them. Keep up the good work. Ask your PAS YBs to help.