Yet, the Chinese & Indians in Malaysia after all their contributions & sacrifices made in developing Malaysia, look how we are being treated, addressed or respected till today?
Simply as: "Pendatang Kafir "
If you are truly an Indian or Chinese surviving in Malaysia, then please make sure you vote for a good opposition candidate in the soon to come GE15 or any Bi-Elections.
Don't be fooled anymore. Your focus, aim & vote are purely to get rid of all the current filthy stage 4 cancer infected Dead Wood Politicians.
You might ask what's going to change or happen? Well, everything is not going to change overnight but it's high time now. We...., who are commanly referred to as Pendatang Keling or Cina Babi
need to stand up & vote for the changes we deserve.
Take note, we are simply being deprived, side lined & ignored of existence as an equal right citizen all this while.
Either we do it now or die as a failed race in Malaysia. Because we are all soon going to be ignored, white washed & doomed like Historic Kuli Rubber Tappers or Antique Tin miners in Museum.
WHY?...Just look around you & ask Yourselves the following:
1. Are you treated equally?
2. Do you have your rights?
3. Do you have your freedom?
4. Do you get free money?
5. Do you get free Grant's?
6. Do you get Government land?
7. Do you get any Government Schemes?
8. Do you get equal job chances?
9. Do you get Government funding?
10. Do you receive Appreciation?
11. Do you get to pray peacefully?
12. Do you get equal treatment?
13. Does your children get the University they deserve?
14. Currently even your Birth rights, Survival, Prayer, Religious rules & Burial Rights are determined by Brainless Politicians.
Plus many more issues & concerns which you can think off.
All this happening while you are actually the Largest Tax payer & Brainpower of this country.
Sooner or later you & your next generation will loose your Birth & Citizen Rights.
Every year during Budget the Government throws a piece of Bone called allocation to Orang Keturunan India & Cina. Even this bone doesn't reach the hard core Indians or Chinese but hijacked by the so call Greedy Corrupted MIC & MCA Leaders / Politicians.
Take note:
This systemic fanatic rule has already happened & still happening in all Islamic countries where minority Hindus are considered as Outcast "Kafir" and being Abused, Forced, Ignored, Brutalised, Raped & Killed in the name of Islamisation policy. Recently this has already starting to happen in Malaysia.
Just, take a look at the last 2 years. You would have seen the very worst of Malaysian Politics, Government Rules, Policy, System, Islamic Preachings & Administration in this country called Malaysia.
Almost everyday you only hear or read about Politicians & Government Officials on ~ Betrayal, Corruption, Power Abuse, Arrogance, Fanaticism, Failed Justice, Power Craze, Cheating, Lies, Racism, Unjustified decisions, Failures, Backstabbing, Misconduct, Rights Revoked, Mismanagement, Failed Policy, Magical ideas, Lavish Spending & many many more filth.
Sit & think for a moment. Something has to be done & it must start with you & from you.
Remember, your ancestors were brought to Malaya OR worked as a 3rd class human under the British Empire. But today you are still treated as a 3rd Class Citizen.
You future generations might soon become 4th or 5th class squatters in Malaysia.
The current Politicians, mostly are full of greed & filth. Putting them in their right place is your Rights.
You have to do it now or you are just destroying your own next Generations.
Share this to ever Malaysian of Indian & Chinese Origin to decide what they want for their next Generations.
Do you want to be a successful & respectable Indian & Chinese Society in Malaysia or an Antique piece in the Islamic Museum.
May God Bless all Indians & Chinese in Malaysia