The Umno secretary-general reportedly told the media on
Tuesday that the former prime minister's “Bossku” spirit should be
continued by BN.
"Solidarity means we stay together through thick
and thin, during happy and hard times. We express our disappointment
over what happened to our former party president, former prime minister,
and BN adviser Najib.
"We are upset because from how we see it,
he was not given the due process of justice. His 'Bossku' spirit must be
continued by Umno and BN. We must not waste his sacrifice in prison.
Rupert16 : “… His 'Bossku' spirit must be continued by Umno and BN. We must not waste his sacrifice in prison. …” Aiyoh! Macam ini maruah UMNO-kah? Calling a convicted criminal who stole huge amount of public funds “BossKu” indeed shows how low UMNO has stooped since the party was formed.
PurpleCondor4800 : "We are upset because from how we see it, he was not given the due process of justice. His 'Bossku' spirit must be continued by Umno and BN. We must not waste his sacrifice in prison. Please return all money stolen by this prisoner "bossku". We can use all this money to help all B40!! Do not fool Malaysians!!
Krabian : Now you know what will happen to this country if we let this sort of UMNO idiot rule the nation.
Anonymous_w22892398 : You will lose big. What sacrifice. The rakyat is sick and tired of you guys.
Sealthedeal : So stealing millions was a sacrifice? How twisted is his rhetoric? The Rakyat will punish BN UMNO for defending the indefensible. Only those who benefited from Najibs crimes are still supporting him. They will pay for that.
Knucklehead : Najib's sacrifice? The freak Stole Our Money! You are too stupid to even understand that! #BootLicker
Simple Truth : Ahmad Pendek use your otak and flour a bit. Did you bossku take the RM 42m from SRC international and buat tak tahu? Is that right or wrong? If it’s right then you should join him in prison. If it’s wrong stop living in denial and commit contempt of court!!! Bodoh !!
OrangeKucing5562 : Ahmad Mazlan, sudah di bukti salah masih tak mau akui. Masih May cakap besar dan tuduk makamah salah hukum Najib. Apalah fikiran ini? Anak2 fikiran macam mana boleh menjadi kerajaan Malaysia? Tutup sahaja pintu BN kerana semua rakyat selain sebahagian kumpulan UMNO sudah terima hukuman Najib. Jangan masih teriak macam anak anak selolah terus.
YellowCat1156 : Dear Ahmad Maslan.
If you and the old guards of UMNO truly love the party, then all of you should follow NR's footsteps, and as you put it, sacrifice yourselves. Let a new leadership take hold, and hopefully engineer a change. Now, wouldn't that be the ultimate political sacrifice?
Abalone eat Scallop : Wow.. You must be kidding. You now worship bosskuku as a legend of words no. 1 thief. We the morally upright law abiding rakyat is really speechless. MM must rise above this immoral lawlessness narrative and earn some respects from word by pushing down all these crappie politicians to hell, give Malaysia a new hope.