The video blamed the "Crusaders" and the "apostate states" in the Muslim world for spreading Western morals and stunting the economic and cultural progress of the Muslim world. It argued that that these regimes be toppled only through jihad, and only then can this utopia achieved. Interestingly, the video envisioned Jerusalem as the future capital of the caliphate, a Hizb ut-Tahrir idea which ISIS has never endorsed.
Narrator: "The true Muslim life[.] The life that God Almighty wanted us to achieve! Imagine that you are traveling from Morocco to India or from the Caucasus to South Africa or Malaysia... Without a passport or entry visa, which hindered travel and shattered hearts financially, morally, and without nationality... barbed wire, the silly pieces of cloth, and the damned Devil border[.] And living wherever you wants in any land of Islam, marries from any Islamic area and seeks a livelihood[.]
So Do not fear for yourself, your honor, or your money, because the whole nation is secure and feels good[.] Do not be held back by suspicions or prohibitions, because the religious law is in place and you do not need commercial currencies[.] Because the gold dinar and the silver dirham are the same currency everywhere and your only nationality is that you are a Muslim[.]
"Like you, everyone is without exception[.] If you get into trouble, other Muslims will be like one body with you wherever you are..[.] You will not feel that you are a stranger from home while you are traveling, because all the lands of the nations are your homes[.] For example, you will seek knowledge in Bukhara, memorize the Qur'an in the Hijaz, and your holidays in Iraq[.]
And continues your university studies in Samarkand and gets her Phd from Kairouan[.] And try cruises the sea in Algeria and learn about weapons and fighting in Sinai or Palestine[.] And earns money from all lands of the nation and participates in many projects in Sudan and sinigal [Senegal.]
"Your first wife is from the Levant, the second is from Egypt, the third is from Chechnya, and the fourth is from Turkestan[.] You will hear the call of jihad every day and participate in the conquests of western China [o]r eastern Europe, southern Russia, or America, and if you killed and take shahadah paradise will be yours[.]
And if you win victory, and the spoil and the right owned[.] You will pray Fajr in Palestine[.] They you eat your food, pray Zuhr in the Levant and give a lecture in Jordan[.] You sleep in free hotels because it is an endowment for God and it[']s available in all the Muslim lands[.]