Since the native birth rate is
much lower than that of the newcomers, within a generation or two
Germans will be a minority in what had been their country. As far back
as 2005, the renowned historian Bernard Lewis said that Europe would be Islamic by the end of this century, “at the very latest.” It will be sooner than that.
“Over One in Four People in Germany Have a ‘Migrant Background,’” by Kurt Zindulka, Breitbart, April 14, 2022: The number of people having a
“migrant background” in Germany has hit a record high, with over a
quarter of the population, 22.3 million, either hailing from a foreign
country or having at least one migrant parent in 2021.
According to a micro-census conducted
by Germany’s Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), 27.2 per cent of
the country’s population has a “migrant background” as of last year. The
size of the migrant background community has increased to 22.3 million
in 2021, compared to 21.9 million in the previous year, an increase of
two per cent. This is the highest percentage since the survey was first
conducted in 2005.
Just over half of people (54 per cent) with a
migrant background were born in the country, with the remaining 46 per
cent consisting of people who were born in foreign countries. Those
hailing from other European nations made up the largest purporting of
people with a migrant background, accounting for 13.9 million people,
7.5 million of whom came from European Union countries.
Nearly one
quarter (23 per cent) or 5.1 million people were described as hailing
from Asian countries, including 3.5 million from the Middle East.
Africans accounted for around 5 per cent, totalling 1.1 million people. Those
hailing from Turkey represented the largest migrant background
population of any single country with 12 per cent, with Poland (10 per
cent), Russia (6 per cent), Kazakhstan (6 per cent), and Syria (5 per
cent) rounding out the top five….
Even prior to the war in Ukraine, Europe was already bracing for as many as three million Afghan nationals following
the disastrous withdrawal of American troops by the Biden
administration, leaving the country in the hands of the Islamist
By the year 2040, it is expected that at least one-third of the population of
Germany will have foreign backgrounds, with major cities, such as
Frankfurt, likely to see as much as 70 per cent of their population
having a migration background….Former Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to open the doors to mass migration has not only come with dire economic consequences, but also an increase in violent crime.
Despite this, the recently installed coalition government headed up by leftist Chancellor Olaf School has