The UK’sIndependent on
Thursday published an article detailing the latest enormity committed
by the conservative congresswoman the establishment media loves to hate:
“Marjorie Taylor Greene faces angry backlash after Islamophobic tweet:
‘Islam is not a religion of peace.’” There’s just one problem with the Independent’s scenario: Greene is right. Islam really isn’t a religion of peace. But the Independent leans far to the Left, and the Left has never been troubled by facts before; why should it start now?
The Independent article is full of semaphores for the
indoctrinated, signaling to them that they must not be sympathetic to
Rep. Greene (R-Ga.). It tells us that “far-right Georgia Representative
Marjorie Taylor Greene is embroiled in yet another social media furore
over a tweet in which she insisted Islam is ‘not a religion of peace.’”
Not only is Greene “far-right,” which essentially means nothing more than that the media hates her, but the Independent also
informs us that she “has previously been sanctioned by the House of
Representatives over her long history of racist, incendiary and
sometimes violent statements.”
Now that the Independent’s hapless readers are primed to
despise and deplore Marjorie Taylor Greene, the paper gives us her
outrageous, appalling statement: “Pray for American missionaries in
Afghanistan. There are reports that some families may have been killed.
Islam is not a religion of peace.”
Then we hear about how terrible this is from anonymous Twitter users quoted by the Independent:
“Every time you think she can’t say something worse, she does.” And:
“Yea, the Taliban totally represents all of Islam. That’s why there are
Muslims hanging off of planes trying to escape their rule.” The Independent informs disappointed Left-fascists that “it
is unlikely Ms Greene will face any formal consequences for her tweet,
whether from Twitter or in Congress.”
The inconvenient fact remains, however: Islam is not actually a
religion of peace, and it is not a matter of bigotry or hatred to point
this out. Are the authoritative schools of Sunni jurisprudence, the
Shafi’i, Maliki, Hanafi and Hanbali schools, “Islamophobic”? A Shafi’i
manual of Islamic law that was certified in 1991 by the clerics at
Al-Azhar University, one of the leading authorities in the Islamic
world, as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy, stipulates about jihad
that “the caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians…until
they become Muslim or pay the non-Muslim poll tax” (‘Umdat al-Salik).
There is more.
Read the rest