| Mortars in action | Malaysiakini : “It is the same in all wars; the soldiers do the
fighting, the journalists do the shouting, and no true patriot ever gets
near a front-line trench, except on the briefest of propaganda tours.” - George OrwellCOMMENT
Warisan MP Mohamaddin Ketapi’s alleged insult of the state security
apparatus is just another footnote in the history of the propagandising
and manipulation of the state security apparatus by the political
apparatus of this country. The howls of outrage from folks who
claim that they are shocked that a political operative would “insult”
the hardworking men and women of the state security apparatus is
indicative of the hypocrisy that permeates the political landscape here
and around the world. I
despise the use of the state security apparatus as just another tool in
the propaganda toolbox of political operatives and civilians who, when
politically convenient, either canonise or demonise the men and women
who serve the state often at the costs to their lives. I do not
have a romanticised view of service to the country, coming from the
school of thought that believes that professional service in the defence
of the realm for coin while a noble profession is not one that should
be glorified. This is because, ultimately, the profession is bound by
political and not altruistic dictates. Of course, what the Warisan
MP said was dumb, but this idea that politics and the security forces
are mutually exclusive is complete horse manure. Take the Lahad Datu
remarks, for instance. Even former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak got
into the outrage act. He wrote in a Facebook post: "Ini ialah penghinaan sangat besar
pada pasukan keselamatan kita yang bertarung nyawa untuk mempertahankan
kedaulatan kita, terutama kepada keluarga 10 wira dan 6 warga Sabah
yang terkorban." |