Has there been a more loathsome, reviled, offensive, malevolent,
repulsive, abhorrent and abhorred person in Asian politics than this man
who claims he is a Constitutional Malay, but not an Indian even though
his father was a Keralan of India descent? Since when, and by what logic
or magic, did religion change anyone's DNA?
And I exult now that he has fallen on his own sword in his continuing
vendetta against the man he (and UMNO/BN) fears more than anyone else,
Anwar Ibrahim. In his haste to anyhow link Anwar Ibrahim to the infamous and
traitorous 'Project M Blue Identity Cards (IC) and Citizenships For Sale
To Muslims' scandal, to illegally re-engineer the population mix in
Sabah during his tenure as Prime Minister of Malaysia from 1981-2003,
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad has over-played his hand.
What Mahathir achieved is without a shadow of a doubt, treasonous.
Blue IC's and citizenships were sold and manipulated to enable
illegal immigrants and/or their documents to be deployed to vote in
favour of the ruling UMNO/BN coalition, at by-elections and State and
Federal elections. There is no way that someone like Deputy Minister
Megat Junid, who reported directly to PM Mahathir, would have proceeded
of his own accord in these blatantly criminal acts, without the specific
involvement and directions of his boss, Mahathir! Mahathir is guilty up to his neck as the mastermind behind this
racially biased and religiously bigoted scheme to hang on to power. Do remember too that for the past 10-over years, it has always been
referred to as Project M (for Mahathir) and NOT Project A (for Anwar
Ibrahim). And, for the past 10-over years, Mahathir consistently and
vehemently denied such a project ever existed.
Then he does a complete U-turn in the wake of revelations at the
current Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) hearing and testimonies
vis-a-vis Sabah's immigrants crisis. First, he publicly claimed that as then PM, he had the Constitutional
power to confer citizenships, ignoring completely the Constitutional
'desirable citizen' test and length of residency status. He claimed it
was all legal.
But he was forced to back-track when the RCI revealed the project was
carried out secretly from its HQ at the home of his private secretary,
and with the involvement of top civil serpents and Megat Junid, IC's and
citizenships were sold for money to illegal immigrants who entered the
country yesterday!
One witness has testified at the RCI that he had raked in over $1
million from the shady scheme, while a Special Branch officer hastened
to testify that his "best recollections" were that this civil serpent
had done if all by himself, strictly for personal gain! No instructions
from above? No political party gained from it? And how did one civil
serpent by-pass all internal checks, steal documents and special
paper/IC forms/blue IC etc., all by himself? More lying from police and
civil serpents, for sure!
Project M not Project A or Project TAR!
Without a hint of shame, Mahathir next scurrilously tried to shift
attention and blame to the founding father of Malaya and Malaysia, Tunku
Abdul Rahman. Mahathir claimed the Tunku had altered Malay's
demographics at the time of Independence (from British colonial rule) in
1957 by indiscriminately awarding citizenships to 1 million Chinese,
Indians and others. Even if it were true, do two wrongs make a right?
The truth is, though, this is as bare-faced a lie as one you will
come across anywhere. Those awarded citizenships in 1957 were either
mainly legally contracted (by the British Administration) labourers and
workers and their families or their children born in Malaya. They were
NOT illegal immigrants. Most had a residency in Malaya that went back to
the early nineteen hundreds, and did not regard Indian, China or Ceylon
as their natural home. Their major contributions to the spectacular
growth of the tin and rubber industries in Malaya, and the opening up of
the country through infrastructure development - road, railway, port,
airport and townships - are matters of historical facts!
More than that, this award of citizenship was openly discussed and
approved by UMNO, Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), Malaysian Indian
Congress (MIC), the British Government, various NGOs and most
importantly, by the Rulers (Sultans) of all the States! Nothing was
transacted in the filthy, sordid, clandestine, dirty cloak and dagger
style and acerbic mannerisms of Mahathir and his immoral UMNO Baru (new)
bunch of thieves!
Startling jump in Sabah population
Between 1980-2010, Sabah's population grew from 930,000 to a
staggering 3.1 MILLION!! This works out to over an incredible 300%
increase since 1980, or an astonishing annually compounded growth rate
of nearly 4.5%. Today, some 27% (837,000) of Sabah's population consists
of illegal immigrants, mainly Muslims of Indonesian and Filipino
descent. In no uncertain fashion is Mahathir responsible for robbing
Sabahans of their sovereignty. No prizes for guessing who was Prime
Minister of Malaysia for most of that period!
And, if the electoral rolls at Selangor are subjected to a truly
independent audit, I guarantee you that something of a similar nature
has occurred in Selangor, where in the last few years, its population
has increased by over 400,000, comprising many Bangladeshis, Indonesians
and Pakistanis. Note how the EC Chief has in typical CYA (Cover Your
Ass) mode issued a statement that it is not his duty to verify the
authenticity or validity of Blue IC's as long as they arrive from the
National Registration Department!
Really low blow
Then in expected and classic cravenly cowardly Mahathir habit, he
shifted blame to Anwar. Anwar was involved, if not wholly responsible,
for the Project M IC debacle. And where is the whale of all lies? Mahathir added in that pre-emptive strike, that there was nothing in
black and white that could be placed at Anwar's door, but that if his
selective amnesia syndrome prone memory served him right, Anwar had
acted beyond the good doctor M's intentions! And what exactly were
Mahathir's good intentions? Hmm,...er....ah....? Why it was the noble
act of issuing IC's and citizenships to illegal immigrants based solely
on the fact that they were Muslims! Never mind that some of them were
known terrorists! Was there ever a more noble and more altruistic PM of
Malaysia? And Mahathir was an honourable man, was he not? And so were
they all, his UMNO Baru cohorts, all honourable men!
Lying thief?
Mahathir hasn't the decency to quit and leave the country of his own
accord, for his indecent treasonous and traitorous conduct. This is the
evil man who has utilised and mustered every ounce of power he has to
split this country apart. Racial and religious polarisation has never
been greater now than ever before, with Najib following suit in
Mahathir's footsteps. Try as he may, Mahathir can't remove that Indian
birth chip from his shoulders. And so it translates as the nation's No.1
racist, religious bigot and demagogue. Regardless of how it might rip
the nation apart, Mahathir will thrash about, because it is in the
nature of vermin and bugs to indulge so.
At the heart of it all is Mahathir's realisation that the people see
the naked ex-Emperor for what he is - a pathteic, decrepit sore old sour
puss. And he is trembling under his blanket. That's why he's talking
about a future Pakatan Government arresting him (as they should), surely
the talk of a big time loser. He's glad the Internal Security Act has
been abolished, yet expressed no misgivings about having used it to
arrest and imprison thousands without trial; he blamed the 1987 Ops Lallang arrests on the then Inspector General of Police, who true to the
form of mindless sycophants and millionaire cronies, "affirmed" it some
20 years later, after Mahathir suggested that was the case!
Well let Mahathir now be
the one to endure sleeples nights awaiting the arrival of the dreaded 3
p.m. Black Maria! In the immortal words of Ben Elton, "he's crapping in
his pants!" So, we the PEOPLE OF MALAYSIA, must squash Mahathir like we would any
irritating bug of whichever species he is one of, to preserve our
unity, sanity, save ourselves and maintain our humanity and dignity.
Let's put this scumbag out of his misery at the next General Elections! ABU! (Anything But UMNO, unless it reforms). Malaysia Chronicle
Donplaypuks® with traitors, man!
piece of shit.