So you mean that PAS cannot compromise on its position on hudud law and the Islamic state? Nik Aziz: How can we compromise? This is our ibadat (religious obligation). If we reject the meaning of Islam, we are rejecting our ibadat. God created man to follow ibadat, which is not restricted to just praying.
No mercy: The Muslims bury Ibrahim in the ground in a village south-west of lawless Mogadishu, Somalia. What many Non Muslims do not understand is that it will start infringing on their rights. Even without hudud it is done by Muslim bureaucrats, such as body snatching, conversion of minors, confiscation of property and so many other things. The reality is in the image above.
See more images here: Islamic militants stone man to death for adultery in Somalia as villagers are forced to watch. You would not want your own enemy to experience this barbarity! So do not be deceived by sweet platitudes in moments of your own desperation, there are lesser alternatives apart from PAS and BN. Hudud is not a romantic idea as can be seen above, not as an ideal to wipe out corruption and having fair play. Even without hudud the NEP discriminates, it will be worst under Sharia. Under Islamic law Non Muslims will be Dhimmis, stay with the DAP or the PKR, not the rest.
Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat: It doesn't matter whether they are young or old. They are not exposed to Islam. They are exposed to democracy, socialism, nationalism and communism but not to Islam... They are influenced by the western stereotype of Islam - that it is about terrorism, that it does not being development and is backward. They have no alternative (to this kind of thinking).
But exposure is increasing. We need to create more awareness for youths through seminars and camps. (We need to expose them to Islam because) the world was not made by a person. It was made by God. Yes, right, do not be taken up with religious leaders like old Nik, take the Iranian thugocracy as an example of what can go wrong. The regime's founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, laid out his special interpretation of political Islam in a series of lectures in 1970. In this interpretation of Shia Islam, Islamic jurists were presumed to have divinely ordained powers to rule as guardians of the society, supreme arbiters not only on matters of morality, but politics as well. When Khomeini established the Islamic Republic of Iran, this idea, velayat-e faqih, rule by the Supreme Jurist, was at its heart.
So you do not think Nik Aziz, thinks like the Ayatollah about divinely ordained powers, which is for an oppression of freedom? Using religion for politics? In full from Malaysiakini |