During my mis-spent youth, I had to attend a Cpls to Sgts mess function. Now, from experience, I never drank alcohol at mess functions, mainly because I was always asked to drive friends home, but also because I would never allow alcohol to cloud my judgment.
Anyway, at one such function, a young Cpl decided to gob off at me in the mistaken viewpoint that he could take me out with physical violence. Seeing as he was to the right of me at a 90 degree angle, I struck him between the legs with a downward
Uraken, and as he collapsed, I grabbed his hair with my right hand, his pint glass with my left, and was in the process of driving his head onto my knee in which to smash his face in.
When the Garrison Sgt Maj (GSM) decided to come across and ask how I was doing, I instantly weaved a story about how buggerlugs couldnāt hold his beer and I was helping him recover to a chair. The GSM thanked me for helping out with a visitor to the mess and left to speak with somebody else. His intervention rescued buggerlugs from a broken face and me from getting charged with assault.
Please donāt think Iām a violent man. Iām not. But sometimes, after being provoked, you have to make a stand in which to say enough is enough, otherwise you give permission to those who presume to think that might is right.
Which brings me to the point of my missive. You see, Israel today published a report into its foray into Gaza at the start of the year. Its conclusion was: after years of provocation itās assault into Gaza
was "Necessary and proportionate".
Oh how the Left are bitching about how Israel took the fight to Hamas. But the thing is, sometimes, just sometimes, you have to make the point of showing your neighbourhood bully that you arenāt as weak and feeble as he thinks you are.
Eye On The World