Why? Because Saudi Arabia is home to numerous Jewish and Christian artifacts, and for the birthplace of Islam it's a no-no. That's because it's in Saudi Arabia, where conservatives are deeply hostile to pagan, Jewish and Christian sites that predate the founding of Islam in the 7th century.In 1986, picnickers accidentally discovered an ancient church in the eastern region of Jubeil. Pictures of the simple stone building show crosses in the door frame. It is fenced off — for its protection, authorities say — and archaeologists are barred from examining it. Faisal al-Zamil, a Saudi businessman and amateur archaeologist, says he has visited the church several times. He recalls offering a Saudi newspaper an article about the site and being turned down by an editor. "He was shocked," al-Zamil said. "He said he could not publish the piece."
The sensitivities run deep. Archaeologists are cautioned not to talk about pre-Islamic finds outside scholarly literature. Few ancient treasures are on display, and no Christian or Jewish relics. A 4th or 5th century church in eastern Saudi Arabia has been fenced off ever since its accidental discovery 20 years ago and its exact whereabouts kept secret.
In the eyes of conservatives, the land where Islam was founded and the Prophet Muhammad was born must remain purely Muslim. Saudi Arabia bans public displays of crosses and churches, and whenever non-Islamic artifacts are excavated, the news must be kept low-key lest hard-liners destroy the finds.
"They should be left in the ground," said Sheikh Mohammed al-Nujaimi, a well-known cleric, reflecting the views of many religious leaders. "Any ruins belonging to non-Muslims should not be touched. Leave them in place, the way they have been for thousands of years."
In an interview, he said Christians and Jews might claim discoveries of relics, and that Muslims would be angered if ancient symbols of other religions went on show. "How can crosses be displayed when Islam doesn't recognize that Christ was crucified?" said al-Nujaimi. "If we display them, it's as if we recognize the crucifixion."
Which brings to mind the now famous quote from
Obama's Cairo speech that "throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality."
Read the whole story
here. Hat tip :
Eye On The World