When a person falls at whatever the height, his clothing does not shred, food for thought. Yes, there is blood, enlarge image, you can see blood in a flow, congealed at his head. "No one in his right senses will imagine to commit suicide a day before he is slated to be married." Revealed DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang. Another needless death whilst being "investigated", this time Teo Beng Hock an aide to Selangor executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah. Whatever the MACC spins, ultimately the responsibility is theirs and theirs alone. Remember poor Kugan who died in Police custody whilst being "investigated"?
He drank water and died according to the Police. . It looks like one must not drink water in Police custody.
Have the MACC joined the bandwagon of the Police? Oxford Jamaluddin, the Chief of UMNO Goons, ooops Youth, who previously condemned Karpal Singh when his louts,(UMNO Youth) were harassing a wheel chair bound MP, he defended the thuggery of UMNO Youth. This time he says, "I will call for Royal Commission of Inquiry but we must not pre-judge and cast aspersions as per LKS (Lim Kit Siang)".
Malaysiakini in full. Can you trust this guy? This is an exercise in Public relations to make over his image. It will probably go the way of Kugan and the Mongolian lady.

Click on image to enlarge.
Look at the picture his pants seat is torn ...looks like they held him over the window by his pants .....Raja Petra's account:
So they continued to torture him. And he could no longer stand the torture. After all, he is not the macho type of man. He is but a gentle man who only wanted to get married this weekend. That was all that he wanted. They threatened to kill him if he refuses to talk. With tears running down his cheeks he begged for mercy and pleaded with them not to harm him. They threatened to throw him off the top floor if he refuses to talk. Sobbing like a baby he went down on his knees and begged for his life.
They dragged him across the room and opened the window. Then something went terribly wrong. It was supposed to be just a threat. They just wanted to put fear in him. They did not really want to throw him off the top floor. They just wanted him to see what the ground floor looks like from the top floor. The unfortunate young man panicked. He went ballistic when he saw the distance he would have to travel before hitting the ground floor. He struggled. They could not hold onto him. Gravity took over and the life of this young man was prematurely snuffed out.
Extract from Malaysia TodayI guess the MACC would be more innovative than the Police, they might say, "he tripped over his shoe laces, flew out of the window, fell a few floors down and died".
At the end of the day, he died in the premises belonging to the MACC, they are responsible. When shit happens within your area of responsibility, you are responsible. Do not pass the buck! It pisses off intelligent people like the rakyat, if you are still thinking that the people believe everything you say to absolve yourselves of blame.
Man, I don't believe this. I know I may be jumping the gun here, but I think this "culture" of people taken in for questioning and dying after a "FALL" must end now. Even as I am typing this, I am so enraged by this careless attitude. Healthy, normal people just don't simply die from a fall. And the worse part is, the authorities in charge will merely say that they will "conduct a full (more like FOOL) investigation" and as long as I can remember, nothing conclusive comes out as a result of these investigations. Even the poor Kugan, found dead with bruises and a badly scarred body, still these "investigators" can't find anything amiss. Sick authorities - J Yong Malaysian Insider. My deepest and sincerest condolences to his loved ones-edit.