When Hishammuddin held the keris, was he remotely sensitive to what his party President had exhorted, what his fellow component party peers had exhorted, what he would have concluded from the uproars a year ago, carried forward while holding the post of Minister of Education, a post that was supposed to integrate national, not racial, unity, open minds, lift spirits and achieve excellence? Let alone carry the tradition of his lineage?
More....The waving of the Keris was the biggest Public Relations coup for the Pakatan Rakyat! He alone pushed away the majority of Non Malay voters to the opposition plus our Malay brethren who were disgusted with his antics.
Even the official propaganda organ of UMNO says so! More...We were bloody offended when he threatened us. He apologised, bull! A person who apologises normally shows remorse. He apologises and then qualifies the apology by saying "I would also like to apologise to the Malays over my failure to uphold the Malay symbol (keris)." That is no apology.
More...Barisan Nasional component parties should take appropriate action against their respective members if they go against party lines and raise sensitive issues, said its Youth chairman
Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, in The Star. Does not this guy know any shame? He conveniently forgets
that he is the guy who screwed up the BN big time. You want to know a hypocrite, here is one.
More...Here is a good feedback by Gooi Hsiao Leung in Malaysiakini : Hishammudin Hussein is the one who needs waking up. The Umno vice- president hopeful is still living in the pre-March 8, 2008 era. He has not been listening to the public hard enough, and obviously he wasn't paying attention to Najib's speech the night before on how the political landscape in our country has changed since the last general election. In Hishammudin's speech, he cowardly attacked Anwar Ibrahim (short of naming him), calling him a traitor, selling out Malay rights, and accusing Anwar of being ‘willing to sow the seeds of hate, cooperate with the enemy, deny the rights of his own race...'
He then rambled on about how the so-called ‘social contract' had been misinterpreted to ‘light the flames of racism.' I say that the only one fanning the flames of racism is Hishammuddin himself. Anyone reading his speech will curse him for being insensitive to non-Malays for using emotive words such as ‘selling out Malay rights', ‘seeds of hate' and ‘enemy'. Is he not aware that the severe thrashing BN received in the last general election is due mainly to the fact that Malaysians are fed up with the arrogant Umno racial-style of politics?
He is right to about one thing though. He is right to say that Umno should fight for ‘politics with value and meaning'. Though I am afraid that it will be all too late to save BN from a disastrous outcome in the upcoming three by-elections this April 7.