A report from Malaysiakini. Two PAS Sabah leaders have taken an issue with the wide-ranging speech by Bernard Giluk Dompok at United Pasokmomogun KadazanDusunMurut’s 12th triennial congress in Kota Kinabalu last week, alleging that these were “not sensitive to the Islamic ummah (faithful) in the nation in general and in Sabah in particular”. Utusan Borneo quoted Hamzah as describing portions of the speech by Dompok as “simply too much, irresponsible and carrying elements of agitation against Islam which is the official religion of Malaysia and Sabah” In full Malaysiakini. This PAS fellas should also pay attention to the 20-point agreement (Sabah) which clearly spells out this: Point 1: Religion
While there was no objection to Islam being the national religion of Malaysia there should be no State religion in North Borneo, and the provisions relating to Islam in the present Constitution of Malaya should not apply to North Borneo. I really cannot fathom, why they want to create a problem, when all Dompok wants to do is resolve problems. I will say one thing about Dompok, is that he stands firm, “These concerns were also in the memorandum that was sent to the prime minister (in January 2006) by nine (of the 10 non-Muslim) ministers. I was a signatory to this memorandum. Sadly, those who signed it were later asked to withdraw it,” added Dompok. “I did not withdraw my signature because I felt that there was nothing improper in the memorandum. Indeed, the contents were very much consonant with the effort by the government to strive for a Malaysia that recognises the (special) position of Islam within the federation and the rights of others to practise the religion of their choice”. He signed that memorandum due to the many cases of body snatching in Malaysia. Here is a news report from ABC, Malaysian opposition calls for end to 'body-snatching' Bernard Dompok is not belittling anyone's religion, he is merely stating facts that there are problems with conversion issues which urgently need to be looked into. There are alot of Kadazans who use 'bin' and 'binti' , yet they are not Muslims, these are the issues Bernard wants resolved. So you PAS fellas out there, chill. There are many problems affecting minorities in Malaysia,visit the link. |