Rocky Bru, comes out punch drunk with fists
flailing defending the race baiting UMNO propaganda organ, Utusan UMNO. I will not insult Malaysians by calling it 'Utusan Malaysia'. Rocky fails to understand or ignores to understand that standards in judging or evaluating news should be on a level playing field. Utusan is a race baiting newspaper, if equal standards are applied to as all other newspapers, alot of the Utusan editorial staff should be in jail for incitement. The same level of judgement should be equally applied to all. They are inflammatory in relation to Teresa Kok where these
rabid extremist, race baiting fellas have been getting away scott free. That includes,
an unemployed first generation Indon Malaysian. They, the race baiters are protected, when
their own ilk are let off.I believe he is a
closeted Mahathirist. Free speech is not race baiting and an incitement to hate. His pathetic arguments have been demolished by Haris Ibrahim verbatim, who says, "
Easy to say ‘Dont’ sue’ when the shit’s not on your head!" In which Haris says, some extracts: Teresa’s contention is that the ‘azan’ allegations against her published by Utusan are untrue. The statements by the residents involved in the petition and the mosque committee head would appear to back her contention. In her statement of claim she alleges that the offending article bear the following (taken verbatim from her blog) meanings of and concerning herself :
1. Plaintif ialah seorang bersifat perkauman;
2. Plaintif ialah seorang pentaksub agama dan kaum;
3. Plaintif ialah seorang yang tidak boleh dipercayai dan seorang ahli politik yang tidak boleh dipercayai dan jahat;
4. Plaintif ialah seorang yang tidak bertoleransi dan tidak berprinsip;
5. Plaintif ialah seorang ahli politik cauvinis yang anti-Islam dan anti-Melayu; dan
6. Plaintif telah melakukan kesalahan jenayah yang boleh dihukum dengan penjara.
Haris adds, "Well, Rocky, if one of the Tamil dailies falsely accused you of calling for the demolition of Hindu temples, and that daily then refused to apologise despite your demands that they do so, and your home was then turned into a war zone where molotovs were tossed into, would you sue to clear your name and to prevent any further trauma for those near and dear to you? Or would you, Rocky, champion the right of that daily, in the name of freedom of expression and opinion, to continue to lie about you, and therefore refrain from taking the matter to court?"
Further he connects with a powerful uppercut, "Now, if the tabung is to defend Utusan, why call it ‘Tabung Azan’? Why not ‘Tabung Membela Utusan Malaysia’? Rocky then comes back with a pathetic defence
from his fan, named Mansor bin Puteh, you would actually be tickled by his "logical" sequence of thought! Rocky, could do much better. Actually me thinks, he is waiting for the new PM and hoping for someone to become
Minister Mentor, the old coot
Mahathir to throw in his lot with them, after being in the wilderness for a bit of time.
Dear Rocky what have you to say to this,
Short Story on the killing of Teresa Kok by Chamil Wariya? I believe the amount being sought by Teresa Kok is too little, she should sue them until they are left with only their underpants. Wong Chun Wai has a take on this,"Cheras Umno division chief
Syed Ali Al Habshee's argument is baffling. As a fellow journalist, I would also not want to see another newspaper or journalist being sued. Like
Rocky Bru, I share similar sentiments. No one would also argue with Syed Ali's plan to buy loudspeakers for mosques and suraus. It is good of him to do so, really. But the statement by the controversial politician who was quoted as saying that Teresa Kok had challenged the honour of the Malays by suing Utusan as it was a newspaper owned by the Malays
is out of line." . 'Utusan UMNO' is a hot potato now, hopefully it is sued out of existence. I rest my case.