Pakatan Rakyat’s is all out to take control of the central government from the Barisan Nasional. This could well take the opposition coalition to Istana Negara. Pakatan had already sought an audience with the constitutional monarch to stake its claim on the federal government by sending an official letter to the king a few days ago. The
King may or might not grant an audience , if his Highness does, he will advise Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to call for an emergency session of Parliament to face the vote of no-confidence which Pakatan intends to table. - Malaysiakini.
There has been a precedence when royalty participated in the appointments of the Mentri Besar of Perak, the MB of Terengganu and of course in Perlis. The Prime Minister had to back off in Terengganu amidst much loss of face. The possibilty of that happening at the Federal level is very much likely. But then there are obstacles, you think Najib is just going to roll over and keep quiet. How about his cousin, Hishamuddin, the rest of the UMNO big shots, you think they will want to give up power, loot and glory, very quietly? Why Najib? He is the next likely person to become PM.
Well, Pak Lah will go into history as the most popular and the most unpopular Prime Minister in Malaysian history, in relation to the elections in 2004 and 2008. He will be well remembered for his empty slogans,
they are many. This fate befell, the Barisan Nasioanl due to
Mahathir s/o Kutty's expolits for the past 22 years, in screwing up the established institutions, from the judiciary, education, race relations and the list is long. Pak Lah inherited that, he had not the will nor the imagination to rectify that.
They have the camp followers of "arse wipes" for UMNO as in the form of MCA, MIC, Gerakan and all the mosquito parties from East Malaysia, their interests too have to be guarded. When I say interests, it is the interests of the individuals and not the Malaysian people. They do not count for much.
Syed Hamid Albar controls the Royal Malaysian Police. The Military is supposedly apolitical. If the King is convinced by Pakatan, then the King can order the Army to stay in the Barracks. Which will be a message to the Police Force to be apolitical too. Only then can there be a change of the Government. Umno members see Abdullah as incapable of keeping opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from toppling the government, they might close ranks behind Najib so as not to lose the Government.