There is this report in Malaysiakini, saying that the, Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (Sadia) has called on the Malaysian Armed Forces not to discriminate against Iban youths when they apply to join the service because of their body tattoos. Sadia president Sidi Munan said in a statement today that the association has received many complaints from Iban youths whose applications to join the Army were turned down because of the tattoos on their bodies. “The tattoo is part of our culture, and it should be seen as such and no one should be discriminated because of that,” he said.
Malaysiakini in full. So far I have not seen this news in any of the mainstream media, correct me if I am wrong.
The tattooed warrior Ranger Lan anak Gima who along with his officer killed 14 of the enemy. Look at his tattoo. The same cannot be said of the "untattooed" bigots.
So what is wrong with tattoos. Tattooing has been an integral part of the Iban community for centuries. Here is something for the dumbasses who have no idea what tattoos are about. Only Ibans understand this part of their culture. It signifies that you either have taken one or more heads yourself or have joined in the headhunting party, headed by a 'Tuai Kayau'. The tattoo is called an 'Entegulun' but pronounced "tegulun'. The tattoos are done usually on or after the 'Gawai Enchabung Arung' where the headhunters wife if married or mother if single welcomes the heads attained during each headhunting expedition to their longhouse with a 'Pua Kumbu' (weaved linen ) made with designs that are specially weaved. For example 12 Giant snake design (Nabau) with a sungai 'Sungai pemali' (Forbidden River) across the weaving in the middle separating six snakes on each side of the woven river.
More here. This is the stuff warriors are made of. A rich culture if not nurtured will die off. I am not talking about the head hunting, maybe for the bigots, yes.
Just because it is taboo in someone's beliefs, it does not mean those taboos have to be shoved by the unbelievers of tattoos unto the believers of tattoos, as in this case of what is being done to the Ibans. Or is it that the traditions of the colonials cannot be tolerated by the supremacist idealogy of some? As far as I can see it has never been a problem previously. Apparently the Military is now staffed with bigots who want to shove their religious beliefs down the throats of others. The Ibans should not take this lying down. They should demand that they be treated as equals.
The 1st Rangers, comprising mostly of Ibans, during their tour of duty in Sarawak from 1970 until 1973 eliminated 103 Communist Terrorists, that is excluding the the number of enemy that surrendered and were captured. This is one achievement that no unit in the Malaysian Armed Forces can beat or boast about. I doubt many of the current serving Generals have ever seen a dead enemy. Maybe a handful. Guess what? Most of the Ibans in the 1st Rangers were tattooed. The Ministry of Defence has claimed that 32% of the Rangers comprise of Ibans, well again another marginalization of Ibans when it comes to promotions. I have asked previously why until today there are no Iban Generals, so far the answer has not be forthcoming. Just promoting an Iban to a Brigadier General will not suffice, he should be allowed to become the
Chief of Army or the Chief of Defence Forces , of course without the proverbial conversion. Tell me, there are none qualified, I will laugh at you and call you a liar.
Going back to tattoos, tattooed or not here is another record where a tattooed Iban soldier and an "untattooed, officer made a record of sorts when they both killed 14 of the enemy in a running firefight. They happened to be from the 1st Rangers. No soldiers from any other unit in the Malaysian Armed Forces have been able to break the kill record of these two extraordinary individuals. What do you know? Surprise, surprise, one of them was tattooed!
The reason being Rgr Lan being the good tracker, was concentrating more on the tracks than the surroundings. He wanted to concentrate more on the enemy rather than the tracks as they had the enemy very close to them, very close. Before he took over the leading position, he ordered Rgr Lan to cock (lock and load) his HBSLR (Heavy barrel self loading rifle). It was a section support weapon with a cone at the muzzle, with a thirty round magazine.They found a total of 13 enemy dead complete with their weapons, packs and equipment. They were 9 men and 4 women. The body of a particular enemy was found a few days later by another force.
Read the details on the tattooed Ranger Lan anak Gima here.This thing to do with tattoos and the bigotry that follows is when Officers forget that they have to lead fighting men, instead they think they have become Mullahs, thus become low class "Little Mullah Napoleans", instead of officers. Is that the sad state of affairs in the Military?
Ranger Lan anak Gima had passed away on 26th Nov 2012.. A brave Iban, a great warrior.