Well, some even swear upon their mother's grave. What on earth am I talking about? This report here, in Malaysiakini
Saiful: Sodomy wasn't consensual. Yet the Police charged Anwar with consensual sex, dear cute Saiful was not. The golden question is, if a person can
lie about being sodomized, what is there to stop him from swearing about it on the Holy Quran?
They lie, when caught with the goods on them, using the favourite words of theirs," I swear". I swear upon....... It is the last refuge of scoundrels. People lie, to be safe, gaining economically in short to cover their arses. Well, here I go, I swear on the Holy Bible that I have never lied to my wife, my children, my siblings, my friends and to the world. I am telling the truth with a straight face (wink, wink). Well, some people's conscience cannot be stirred when they lie through their bare teeth.
Here is another view from PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang regarded Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan's act of swearing on the Quran as an act of "kebodohan" (stupidity) which went against the teachings of Islam. "We don't have this practice in Islam. It is the Christians who swear on the bible," said Abdul Hadi during a press conference at the sidelines of the 54th PAS muktamar in Ipoh today.
In full from Malaysiakini. Here are some views to swearing on Holy Books:
I never understood why people think putting your hand on a book will ensure truthfulness. Maybe if god had struck somebody down for lying just once...
Personally, I think I should be able to make my oath on my copy of Lying is The Right Thing to Do. That should be productive, and I demand my rights!
I am guessing the use of the Holy Book to swear oaths stems from the sin of baring false witness