What are the important implications of the Ijok by-election?
First, there is a need to thoroughly expose the electoral malpractice of the Umno-BN government. At the same time, the call for reform of the EC need to be stepped up and sustained locally and internationally.
Second, during the upcoming general election, the Umno-BN will not be able to get strong police support as in Ijok. Their financial resources for each constituency will also be limited, for public or private bribery. Can they afford to spend RM36 million even for each Parliamentary (not to say State) constituency? This would mean they need to have nearly RM8 billion to fight the general elections.
Third, if the trend of the Chinese swing to PKR, as shown in Ijok, continues and at the same time around 50 percent of Malay support is retained, then the Umno-BN position during the general elections, especially in mixed constituencies, which form important bases of their strength, will be in jeopardy. They realise this, and that is why Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi announced that the results of all four past by-elections must be studied. Be prepared for massive attempts to buy Chinese support till general election time.
Fourth, PKR has demonstrated in Ijok that it can get the three main parties in opposition, together with many NGOs, to forge strong electoral cooperation in support of an opposition candidate. This augurs well for the 12th general election.
Fifth, it is very clear that Anwar is now firmly committed to PKR, and he has emerged as the undisputed leader of the party and opposition. The talk about him going back to Umno should be no more. Even Umno is forced to say that it will not readmit Anwar although at no time has he applied for readmission.
Sixth, it has to be admitted that the overall organisation and electoral machinery of PKR is still weak. There is a lot to be done to improve this and it must be done quickly. If the party members, organisations and machinery are strong, it would be easy for PKR to mobilise voters to reject the 3M and rebuff all cheating, intimidation and bribery.
In conclusion, there is no doubt that PKR can stand tall because it has won a moral victory.
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