Malaysian Forces Reconnaissance Regiment mans the forward observation posts Paradise and Honalula set up on the coast of Sabah, facing the Indonesian-held part of Sabatic Island.
21 February, 1964 Activity in the Pensiangan Area. Pensiangan is a town in the Interior Residency of Sabah located approximately 25 kilometres north of the international border. Across the border and approximately six kilomctrcs from it are the Indonesian towns of Labang and Lumbis which are known to have been recently strengthened by Indonesian regular forces and detachments of Indonesian irregular units. Also at Lumbis is an enemy machine-gun post and a mortar base plate position. Lumbis and Labang are known to be the strong base positions of the enemy for incursions into Sabah. On 16 February our border scouts operating in the area approximately 10 kilometres south of Pensiangan tcported that an enemy party of 21 strong joined by another 11 strong were moving north towards Pensiangan. A Security Force patrol of about 30 strong was immediately dcspatched from Pensiangan to check on this report.
On 19 February a Security Force patrol clashed with the cncmy force in the Pensiangan area approximately six kilometres south of Pensiangan. AS a result of this incident one enemy was killed, one locally enlisted guide was also killed and two more enemy were captured while Security Forces incurred no casualties. The enemy force involved in this incident had crossed the border into Sabah two days earlier. The captured enemy was interrogated and gave the following information: (a) They knew about the ceasefire even before they crossed the border from their leader. (b) The incursion commenced on 17 February. (c) The weapons that they carried were issued to them by the Indonesian Army in Tarakan (issue document now held by Special Branch, Jesselton). (d) A map was produced showing marked target areas the various enemy irregular units were going to attack with a view to taking over Sabah. (e) There were no Regulars in their group.
22 February, 1964 Enemy Activity in Tawau Waters. On 22 February a Marine Police patrol boat observed a small civilian sailing vessel under fire from an Indonesian motor vessel about one kilometre south of Tanagat Lighthouse which is approximately ten kilometres south-cast of Tawau. The sailing vessel that was under fire was a barter trading vessel from Tawau. The area of this incident is within our territorial waters. The Marine Police vessel intervened and a fight ensued resulting in the surrender of the Indonesian marine motor vessel. Them were no police casualties but one of the enemy on the small sailing vessel was fatally injured while another innocenl fisherman Numbers beloiv in the vicinity was accidentally hit by a stray bullet. On board the Tndoncsian those 0I1 tnaps. correspond with vessel were three Tndonesian Irregulars including an ofhcer and four members of the Korps Kommando Operasi based at Tarakan.
One of the Indonesian marines captured was a regular sergeant. Two other crew members both Tndoncsian marines, jumped overboard and are believed to have been drowned. A large amount of explosives and ammunition was found on board including over a thousand rounds of ammunition, two hand grenades, and 50 kilos of TNT with accessories. Under interrogation the Indonesian irregular officer has stated that his group was trained mainly in sabotage activities and have been awaiting orders to carry out sabotage activities in Sabah. His method of operation was to arrive by sea, carry out sabotage and rcturn by sea to Indonesian Kalimantan. 24 February, 1964 Enemy Activity in Tawau Area. On 24 February an Indonesian Police vessel from Tarakan (Indonesian Kalimantan) was arrested in Tawau harbour. The mission as admitted by this crew was to locate Indonesian Irregular forces and leaders of the Barisan Pernberontakan Rakyaat Sabah (HPRS) and report Security Force locations in the Tawau area. Rahim bin Ahmad, the leader of this boat on interrogation stated that he had come from Tarakan. His instructions were to rnect another enemy platoon which had left Tarakan by boat -Hidup Baharu-.-on 27 January at 1900 hours for Malinau (Indonesia). This other platoon intended to leave for Tawau on 11 .February and were expected to arrive in Tawau about 20 February. This other platoon was commanded by a sergeant who had thirty men. Their weapons are: (a) 2 Lee-Enfield rifles. (b) 2 Bren guns. (c) 4 Sten guns. (d) 1 2-inch morlar. (e) 1 Revolver. (f) 30 Hand-grenades. Their uniforms are olive green, peaked caps and leather boots. Their tasks are to gather information on the following: (1) Reserve supply dumps. (b) Water reservoirs. (c) Power station. (d) Military air bases. (e) Naval bases. (f) Petrol rcscrve stations. (g) Important bridges. (h) to sketch route maps of the Tawau area. Rahim bin Ahmad (the leader of this boat) was also to contact Sunarto, the KKO lieutenant and leader of the BPRS in the Tawau arca. Sunarto was to meet this new platoon near a bridge in the Merutai Besar area on 26 February. As a result of interrogation, Rahim bin Ahmad has been identified as an Indonesian Police agent from Tarakan. |